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Drinking warm water in the morning provides health benefits

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. Do you know the benefits of drinking warm water in the morning? Experts suggest drinking at least seven to eight glasses every day, how about drinking warm water in the morning?

Researchers have proven that drinking warm water in the morning provides health benefits. Especially if you regularly drink warm water in the morning, the benefits will be seen in body changes.

Also, drinking warm water in the morning will make you feel refreshed and healthy. Your skin and hair also benefit from drinking warm water in the morning.

Here are 10 benefits of drinking warm water in the morning that you should know:

Lose weight

Drinking warm water in the morning is the best solution for losing weight.

This condition can increase the body’s metabolism and help break down adipose tissue that is located under the skin.

Especially, when consumed with lemon and honey, you will experience tremendous benefits.

Speed ​​up digestion

Drinking warm water in the morning regularly stimulates the digestive glands to function properly.

It has been shown that drinking cold water after meals hardens the oils present in the food consumed.

This creates fat deposits on the walls of the intestine, resulting in colon cancer in the long run.

On the other hand, drinking warm water after eating can speed up digestion.

Improve blood circulation

The fact to know is that taking a warm bath can help circulatory organs such as arteries and veins to expand and carry blood more effectively throughout the body.

Drinking warm water in the morning has a similar effect on the body.

When blood flow is healthy, everything is normal including blood pressure, thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Prevents constipation

Lack of water in the body causes chronic constipation.

When feces accumulate in the intestines, bowel movements become slower.

It’s a great practice to drink warm water in the morning on an empty stomach.

This will help break down the food, making the movement of particles through the small intestine less painful as well.

Relieves menstrual cramps

Drinking warm water in the morning is an excellent remedy for treating menstrual cramps in women.

It has a calming effect on the abdominal muscles.

Detoxify the body

The most important advantage of drinking warm water in the morning is detoxification of the body.

If you are suffering from indigestion and want to get rid of toxins in your body, you should practice drinking warm water in the morning regularly.

When you drink warm water in the morning, your body temperature rises and you start sweating.

This process helps remove toxins from the body.

You can also squeeze a lemon and add a few drops of honey for optimal results.

Relieves nose and throat

Deep inhaling and drinking warm water in the morning helps to relieve sinus congestion and even sinus headaches.

Since it has mucous membranes all over the neck and upper body, drinking warm water in the morning soothes areas that have developed mucus buildup. Sore throat is also relieved.

Slows down aging

By drinking warm water in the morning regularly, it can prevent premature aging and have a dazzling and youthful skin.

In addition, drinking warm water in the morning makes skin elasticity increase and eventually the damaged skin becomes firm and free of wrinkles.

Improve skin health

By drinking warm water in the morning regularly, the body remains hydrated and warm.

It prevents dry and flaky skin.

Apart from that, it can also keep skin free from acne and other skin problems.

Calms the central nervous system

Drinking warm water in the morning calms the central nervous system and also lubricates the body.

It will also keep the pain away and will keep you from panicking throughout the day.

This article has been published on Grid.id with the title Get used to drinking warm water in the morning, can lose weight