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Benefits of Original Nurbuat Prayer, Complete with Meaning

Views of Muslims Praying, Source: Kumparan
Do you know what it is Nurbuat prayer? Original prophetic prayer is a prayer that you can make your daily practice. This prayer is believed to have many benefits in life in this world and in the hereafter.

If you are still unfamiliar with this prophetic prayer, you can read it in this article. Launching from In Islam, Wednesday (3/2/2021), the following prayer readings can be used as learning materials.

Latin Readings of Original Nurbuat Prayers

“Allahumma dzi sulthonil ‘adzim, wadzil mannil qodim, wadzil wajhil kariim, wa waliyyal kalimaatit taammaati wadda’awaatil mustajaabati’ aaqilil khasani wal especially min anfusil khaqqi ‘ainil qudroti inioor khaqqi’ ainil qudroti ina wan nadziri wa ‘ul ladzikro wa yaquuluuna innahu lamajnuun. Wa maa huwa illaa dzikrullil ‘aalamiin. Wa mustajaabu luqmaanal khakiim. Wawaritsa sulaakuanu daawuuda ‘alaihimassalaamul waduudu dzul’ arsyil majiid. Thowwil umrii wa shohhikh ajsaadi wa aqdhi khajadi wa akstir amwaali wa halladi wa khabbib linnasi ajma’iina wa tabaa’adil ‘adaawata kullaha min biniii aadama’ alaihis salaama man kaana khabban wa yakhiqqol qoulu ‘alal qaailu wa alqaa wa qoulu’ alqailu wa kaha wa qoulu ‘alqailu wa alqaa baathila kaana zahuuqo. Wayunazzilu minal qur-aani maa huwa syifaaun warohmatul lil mu’miniin. Wa laa yaziidud dhzolimiina illa khosaaro. Subkhaana robbika robbil ‘izzati’ amma yashifuun. Wasalamun ‘alal mursaliin. Wal khamdulillaahi robbil ‘aalamiin. “

O Allah, the One who has Supreme power, Who has the previous grace, Who has the face of the Noble mamandang, from the viewpoint of humans and djinn. And indeed the disbelievers will really derail you with their eyes, when they hear the Koran and say: verily (Muhammad) is really a madman.

And the Koran is nothing but a warning for all people. And who gave Luqmanul Hakim, and Sulaiman had inherited Dawud a. S. Al wadud (Allah the Most Merciful) who has a glorious throne, extend my life, show my body, grant my wish, multiply my possessions and my children (my followers), love all humans and keep enmity from Adam’s grandchildren a. S. Those who are still alive (in his heart) and hopefully they will continue to threaten torment for the disbelievers. And say: The haq have come and the falsehood has perished, in fact the false things must be destroyed. And We sent down the Al-Quran something that is an antidote and mercy for those who believe, and the Al Quran will not add to those who persecute but only loss. Glory be to Allah your Lord God the Most Noble of the attributes given by the unbelievers. And good luck to the Messengers. And praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds. “

Benefits of Original Nurbuat Prayer in Life

If you read the original prophetic prayer every day, of course you will benefits that you can get. What benefits will you get from reading this prophetic prayer? let’s see in full below.

1. Make you free from the heat of hell fire

2. Keep you away from Satan’s temptations

3. Get closer to Allah SWT

4. Protects you from interference by jinn and other supernatural beings

5. Get so much merit from Allah SWT

Well, you can get these five benefits if you are diligent in reading the Nurbuat prayer after doing the obligatory prayers. You can also read this prayer at any time, you know. Hopefully this article is useful!