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5 Benefits of Making Out with Your Partner

It is undeniable, often just to make out, you and your partner must schedule first, to be able to “couple time” or “we time” for example. How not, after doing activities all day, you and your partner are usually tired and don’t have time to make out. Don’t wait for the schedule to do it, Ma. If you can, do it as often as possible.

Dr. Partha Nandi, MD, FACP, doctor and holistic health practitioner in Micigan, USA, said, “Intimacy is a key component to a healthy life. Every hug, kiss, and touch triggers an emotional connection and strengthens the relationship.

In addition, Dr. Nandi also mentioned that intimacy does not only have a positive impact on relationships. But it is also beneficial for health. Here is a list of the benefits of making out with your partner:

1. Boosts the Immune System

Routines of making love can boost your body’s defenses against infection. Making out can also reduce the risk of heart problems and prostate cancer. Hugging your partner can make blood pressure drop in almost the same way as prescription drugs.

2. Extend Life

Healthy sexual relations can extend your life by up to 8 years. This is certainly good news for you. If you are afraid of fatigue and sleepiness at night, you can do it in the morning.

3. Happier

This benefit is beyond doubt. Making out with your husband can reduce your stress and result in relaxation that makes you happier. Hugs, kisses and touches release the happy hormone that brings you closeness to those around you.

4. Relaxed Muscles

Making out can affect you physically, the muscles are more relaxed because they release tension.

5. Increase Your Love for Yourself

The love that your partner shows you when making out can trigger feelings of appreciation and increase your love for yourself. This is very important in building self-esteem and trust in relationships.

So, spend more time sharing warm hugs, sweet kisses, and gentle touches.

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The magic of the hug
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