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4 Benefits of Paternity Leave Policy for Families

Father’s leave seems to be a blessing for every family. How could we not, many of us have said that parenting should be a task for both of us and cannot be borne by the mother alone. “Make it both, you have to take care of it together,” that’s the slogan.

Unfortunately, this is not linearly facilitated in policy. Of course, let’s see, what percentage of countries and companies independently provide leave to fathers? They do have a policy of maternal leave — generally maternity and maternity leave, but not many fathers in the world can get time off related to their role as parents.

In fact, paternity leave will be very beneficial for the family. What are the benefits? Nathaniel Popper, journalist at New York Times shared stories in the media where he worked about the benefits he felt from the 10 weeks paid leave in full by the media company. He said that he had a better bond with his son because of the leave.

Finally, he collected research related to paternity leave and wrote it down. Here is what we quote from Nathaniel’s writing at New York Times:

1. Building a Father-Son Bond
Just like Nathaniel’s own experience, paternity leave, especially after the delivery of his wife, tends to strengthen the bond between father and son. This is in line with Dr. Richard Petts from Ball State University, Indiana, USA, and Dr. Chris Knoester from Ohio State University, USA. Both are sociology teachers who conducted long-term surveys of thousands of American families. They found that, 9 years later, children whose fathers had at least 2 weeks of paternity leave after they were born reported feeling closer to their fathers than children with fathers who had no leave.

2. Paternity Leave Reduces the Potential for Divorce
Petts and Knoester also point out that paternity leave provides lasting benefits, not only for the relationship between father and son, but also for mother and marriage relationships. They found that paternity leave — even if it was relatively short — could have the effect of reducing the risk of a couple’s divorce. This even continues until their children reach school age.

3. Fathers Are More Involved
In Europe, many fathers are more involved in childcare. Several countries on this continent are known for good parenting because they also provide facilities for parents such as paternity leave and parental leave. As a result, fathers there are more likely to remain involved in caring and share household chores fairly with their spouses.

4. Lowering Mother Anxiety
It can’t be denied, the first weeks of motherhood are tough. Not infrequently who are trapped in psychological problems like baby blues or even postpartum depression. A recent study from Sweden found that mothers whose partners were offered flexible leave in the first years of their child’s birth were less likely to need antibiotics and anti-anxiety drugs.

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