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Benefits of Fish for Children

Don’t hesitate to add fish to your little one’s diet, Ma! The content of DHA (a type of omega-3) in it is very good for the development of the baby’s brain. Here are 5 benefits of fish for children, including:

1. Make babies smarter. A study in the journal Pediatrics in 2003 found that expectant mothers who take omega-3 supplements during pregnancy and breastfeeding actually have babies with higher cognitive abilities when they are 4 years old. In 2005, another study showed that school children who were given omega-3 supplements showed improved reading skills. A child’s brain grows fastest before birth and continues to grow rapidly in the first year of life. So, this is the ideal time to add DHA in the daily menu.

2. Increase focus. Another study found that toddlers whose mothers had higher levels of DHA in their blood at delivery were more able to maintain focus on objects than other toddlers whose mothers had lower DHA levels.

3. Improve eyesight. DHA has been shown to help sharpen vision in babies.

4. Increase immunity. DHA has also been linked to increased immunity. In one study, toddlers who consumed formula milk fortified with fish oil had higher levels of protein – which indicates immune function – than toddlers who drank formula or cow’s milk alone.

5. Prevent eczema. According to a study in Sweden, Omega-3 can reduce inflammation in all parts of the body, including the skin. Adding chunks of salmon or tuna to your baby’s complementary milk before they are 9 months old can help protect children from the risk of allergies.