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The public is asked not to doubt the benefits of the Covid-19 vaccine

ILLUSTRATION. Corona vaccine. REUTERS / Dado Ruvic / Illustration

Reporter: Handoyo | Editor: Handoyo.

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. The public is asked to no longer doubt the benefits of the Covid-19 vaccine that the government will provide. The vaccine that will be given has gone through a rigorous clinical trial stage accompanied by supervision from government-owned authorities and international institutions in charge of health.

“Vaccines are a form of effort to make the body immune to fight disease. This is a prevention so that people don’t need to be exposed to disease first to grow immunity or immunity,” explained Spokesperson for the Covid-19 Handling Task Force, Dr. Reisa Brotoasmoro in a press statement on the progress of handling the Covid-19 pandemic at the Presidential Office as broadcast on the Presidential Secretariat YouTube channel, Monday (19/10/2020).

The government itself held a Covid-19 vaccine by developing its own Red and White Vaccine by the Eijkman Institute for Biology and Molecular Affairs, and collaborating with countries that are developing vaccines. The government in its development and enforcement also conforms to the guidelines and recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO), the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM), experts as well as scholars and umara including the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI).

That way, the benefits of vaccines have been studied in depth and there is no need to doubt. He said Vice President KH Ma’ruf Amin who is also the General Chair of the MUI had stated that the ulama were actively involved in this preparation. “According to the Vice President for the benefit of all, the safest and best vaccines will be recommended by ulama and umara to protect the community,” continued Reisa.

Then BPOM itself has prepared an approval for use in an emergency or emergency use of authorization. BPOM also directly monitors the location of Bio Farma’s clinical trials which are placed at Padjajaran University in Bandung City. It even conducts direct monitoring of vaccine development facilities owned by other countries.

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Not only that, Reisa added that PT Bio Farma, which is a vaccine producer, was selected to be one of the producers for the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovation (CEPI). This stated that the BUMN was ready to produce Covid-19 drugs that were tested at the world level.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the vaccines produced by Bio Farma have been used in more than 100 countries, especially Muslim countries. According to Reisa, PT Bio Farma is also a center of excellence for vaccines and bio technology in countries that are members of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC).

In meeting domestic vaccine needs, Reisa said there were 3 ways that the government had taken. First, developing the Red and White Covid-19 vaccine and collaboration between PT Bio Farma and Sinovac from China. The second way, Indonesia has received commitments from 4 vaccine candidates, namely Astrazeneka, Simovac, Cansino and Sinopharm in purchasing vaccines abroad. “After the vaccines are approved by WHO, the vaccines will be produced and arrive in Indonesia gradually,” he explained.

The third way, the government is collaborating with international institutions, namely CEPI and the Gavi Alliance to get access to vaccines within the framework of multilateral cooperation and this scheme involves WHO and Unicef ​​starting from the development, distribution and implementation of vaccinations later.

“Vaccination is an effort to provide the body with immunity to fight a known virus. Which is effective for controlling epidemics, even eradicating and eliminating epidemics and diseases in the world. Such as smallpox and polio. Vaccines are complementary and come gradually, and are used according to a priority scale. we must not be careless and lower 3M discipline (wearing masks, maintaining distance and washing hands, “Reisa messages.

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