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5 The benefits of learning a foreign language

KONTAN.CO.ID – There are various benefits that you can get if you learn a foreign language. Therefore, not a few children are now encouraged to learn foreign languages, especially English.

English subjects were even introduced since kindergarten. If you are fluent in foreign languages, there are various conveniences that can be obtained later.

Learning another language doesn’t mean you don’t love Indonesian. By being fluent in foreign languages, you can actually introduce the nation’s culture more easily in the international arena.

What are the benefits? Here are five benefits you can get from learning a foreign language. This list is summarized by KONTAN.co.id from Telegraph and We Economic Forum.

Speaking in foreign languages ​​will improve brain function. The brain will be challenged to recognize, digest, and communicate other language structures.

This ability can also increase solving probelm skills. Students who can speak foreign languages ​​tend to be smart and have good grades.

Based on research from Pennsylvania State University, a multi-lingual person, adept at switching from one language system to another.

This ability got their brains accustomed to multi tasking. They tend to be able to adapt to two different systems at one time.

Prevent diseases that attack the brain; Learning a foreign language improves brain performance. The brain will maintain its health and abilities.

As a result, multilingual people rarely develop Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

Just like muscles, the brain also needs exercise. The best exercise for the brain is learning new things.

By learning a foreign language, your brain’s memory will increase. Some studies suggest that bilingual people can remember shopping lists and directions better.

  • Easy to get a job

In the era of globalization like now, foreign companies are mushrooming in Indonesia. In order to compete, workers are required to be able to communicate with foreign workers and investors.

By including your foreign language skills on your CV, you have a greater chance of getting a job. In addition, the opportunity to get a scholarship is also wide open if you are proficient in foreign languages.