Benefits of Bathing with Babies
Every now and then, there’s nothing wrong with trying this one activity: Bath with your baby.
Lie inside bathtub which contains about half the water. Ask daddy to give you a child. Place it on your chest and let your baby lie down, rubbing warm water on his body. While enjoying attachment with children, here are the benefits that will be felt:
– For mama, holding your baby in warm water will relax the body. Even more fun, if this activity is accompanied by your favorite soft music.
– For babies, floating in your arms will add to the calming effect. Don’t be surprised, if you take him out of the way bathtub in a state of deep sleep!
Ask daddy to ‘welcome’ the child with a clean towel, and wrap his tiny body. If you are alone, be careful when lifting the body up and out of the water together. If you need help, don’t hesitate to call other people.