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A myriad of benefits of spicy food, healthy the heart to prevent cancer

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. Spicy food is one of the most popular in Indonesia. Even the taste is not right if you eat it is not mixed with chili sauce which can make the food spicy and appetizing.

However, if spicy food is consumed properly it can have a positive impact on the health of the body. The spicy taste on the tongue is not only effective in increasing appetite, but is also effective in overcoming a number of disease complaints.

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For centuries, chilies have been used as a medicine for inflammation and improve blood circulation. In fact, with the blood flowing faster, the body will quickly replace damaged cells and also remove toxins from the body.

Of course, this spicy food should be consumed wisely, especially if you have a sensitive stomach or cannot tolerate spicy food.

Based on several studies, chilies and spicy foods have many benefits.
1. Lose weight
Chili contains capsaicin which will speed up metabolism and help the body burn calories faster. This happens because capsaicin increases body temperature and plays a role in increasing heart rate.

Furthermore, studies show people who like to eat spicy foods usually eat small portions so that their body weight is more awake.

2. Healthy heart
Chili nourishes the heart by preventing blood clots. Research also shows bad cholesterol / LDL levels can prevent oxidation which can cause blockage of blood vessels.

Capsaicin is also effective against inflammation, which has been identified as a risk factor for heart disease.

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3. Improve blood circulation
Spicy food will improve circulation and lower blood pressure. Chili peppers also help strengthen blood vessel walls due to their vitamin A and C content.