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4 Health Benefits of Pineapple, Good for the Heart to Suitable for Diet, See the Fruit Content

TRIBUNWOW.COM – Pineapple fruit turns out to have a number of benefits including heart health and even diet.

Although pineapple is easy to find, it is rarely liked because if it is not properly peeled and washed it can cause an itchy effect on the tongue.

However, please note that pineapple has many health benefits.

It can even be used as food for a diet.

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Following TribunWow.com quote from Boldsky.com, rows of pineapple benefits for body health:

1. Improve Heart Health

The content of vitamin C and antioxidants in pineapples can help prevent heart disease.

Besides that, it can lower cholesterol in your body.

According to a study conducted in Finland and China, pineapple can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.

In addition, pineapple can also prevent high blood pressure because it has a high amount of potassium.

It can help relax blood vessels and can keep your blood pressure healthy.

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2. As Immunity