Kongkow Linking Benefits and Signs of the Age

President of GBN, dr. Ali Mahsun Atmo, M. Biomed. do kongkow-kongkow with the nation’s young leaders. Alhamdulillah, there is a benefit and a sign of the times. The young figures were Founder / Chairperson of the FSB (One Nation Forum) H. Hery Haryanto Azumi, S.Ag., MM., MH., Chairman of the KNPI DPP Kaka Hanifah, Kang Cholid and Candidate Ph.D. Hartford Seminary USA, M. Afdillah, M.Si. in Jakarta, Wednesday, February 3, 2021.
“The sign is bright. And what is very basic now and in the future is to strengthen the melt (slice) of harmony, togetherness, unity and unity among the citizens of the nation on the strength of the stronghold of defense and vigilance. Luwe ati-ati lan waspodo (said the elder) ”.
Photo taken in Jakarta, Wednesday, February 3, 2021.