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A Million Benefits of Broccoli

Broccoli, this fresh green vegetable is loved by children because it tastes sweet and ‘crunchy’.

Processing can also be said to be easy. Just boil it and then serve with boiled potatoes. Voila… Be healthy snacks for children. In addition, there are many benefits, you know, namely:

• High in calcium
The calcium content in 1 cup of boiled broccoli is almost equivalent to the calcium in a glass of milk. Apart from calcium, broccoli is also rich in vitamin C. Even the vitamin C content in broccoli is higher than the vitamin C content in one orange.

The right amount of vitamin C, which is 90 mg per day, for the body and helps the body absorb iron more easily.

• Prevent constipation
Providing regular broccoli in your child’s daily diet can help expedite your child’s pup because it contains high fiber. Broccoli also makes children avoid indigestion.

• Exercise appropriately
Before processing, broccoli must be cleaned first by rinsing with water, and not soaking. Why? Soaking broccoli can reduce the nutrient content in it.

• How to store broccoli
To be durable, save it by putting broccoli in a plastic bag and then storing it in the refrigerator. Do not wash the broccoli if you are storing it because the water content in it will make the broccoli wilt quickly.

Tip choose fresh broccoli

  • Choose broccoli with thick florets, dark green, without yellow spots. Stem firm, not soft, fresh leaves.
  • Broccoli can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 4 days, depending on how fresh it was when purchased. Wash and trim the florets before use.
  • Like its ‘friend’ kale and cauliflower, broccoli is a great source of vitamin C, beta-carotene, folic acid and iron.
  • When buying, choose young, fresh broccoli. If it is too ripe it will give off a sulfurous smell when cooked.
  • Steaming is the best way to cook broccoli. Boil, microwave or frying will reduce the nutritional content.

Also read: How Much Fruit and Vegetables Right Portion Every Day