Illustration of fruit salad. © / ElenaGaak – Everyone always dreams of having an ideal and healthy body shape. Apart from doing regular exercise, food is an important factor for maintaining a healthy body. The types of food that have long been considered capable of maintaining endurance are vegetables and fruits.
In Indonesia, there are a variety of fruits that are commonly consumed by the public. These various fruits are often used as delicious and fresh fruit salads. Not only has a fresh taste, fruit salad is also believed to be healthy for the body because of the important nutrients in it.
Fruit salads are a mainstay menu for those who adopt a healthy daily lifestyle, especially in a diet program. Various fruits which are made into a fruit salad are effective for digestion. Not only that, there are various other fruit salad benefits that can maintain a healthy body and reduce the risk of chronic disease.
So, what are the benefits of fruit salad for health? Check out the reviews quoted from Healthline:
Reducing the Risk of Defects in Babies
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Fruit salad is very good for pregnant women to consume. The reason is, the folic acid content in fruit salads plays an important role in reducing the risk of miscarriage and defects in babies. In addition, this nutrient also functions effectively in making new body cells, as well as maintaining general health.
To get the optimal benefits of fruit salad, it is recommended that you include a variety of fruits. In a study shows, consuming fruits is useful for preventing various diseases, such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and hypertension.
Help Prevent Hypertension
The next benefit of fruit salad is to prevent high blood pressure. As is known, a person suffering from hypertension is prone to experiencing various chronic diseases, such as heart disease and cancer. Therefore, from an early age prevention efforts should be made by eating fruit salads regularly.
The potassium content in fruit salads works effectively to lower blood pressure and is needed in muscle contraction. In addition, the content of vitamin E in fruits also plays an important role in fighting free radicals and protecting cells from damage.
Lowers Cancer Risk
As we all know, cancer is a type of chronic disease that is very deadly. Therefore, from an early age there must be prevention efforts, one of which is eating fruit salads regularly and regularly.
The content of vitamin C in fruit salads plays an important role in reducing the risk of cancer and helping collagen formation. In addition, this content is also useful for strengthening endurance and acts as an antioxidant that can fight other chronic diseases.
The next benefit of fruit salad is that it can improve digestion. The combination of several fruits served has fiber which functions effectively in helping digestion. Therefore, for those of you who are often constipated, you should regularly eat fruit salads.
In addition, the various fruits in a fruit salad can make your skin look fresher and brighter. Several important nutrients such as vitamin E and Vitamin C function to remove dead skin cells.
Help Lose Weight
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For those of you who are running a diet program, you should eat fruit salad regularly. The reason is, fruit salad contains lots of fiber which is good for digestion, so it is very good for helping the diet program. By consuming fruit salads regularly, it can help suppress the calories that enter the body.
To get optimal results, you should be accompanied by a healthy lifestyle, such as regular exercise. That way, the diet that you are on will be successful and be able to maintain an ideal body weight.
Maintain Eye Health
Another benefit of fruit salad is that it can function effectively in maintaining eye health. Fruit salads contain vitamin A or beta carotene which is needed by the eye to prevent various kinds of damage. To get optimal results, you should eat fruit salad regularly and regularly.
Prevent Osteoporosis
Fruit salads can also function effectively in reducing the risk of osteoporosis. This is because fruit salads contain vitamin D and estrogen which can help prevent damage to the body’s bone cells.
In addition, fruit salad also contains vitamin K, potassium and magnesium which play an important role in maintaining healthy bones. So that eating fruit salad regularly can reduce the risk of osteoporosis.
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