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5 Benefits of Ylang Ylang Essential Oil

Treat anxiety symptoms to create a better mood and thoughts

Currently, the usage trend essential oil more and more widespread. This is because there are many public figures who are quite aggressive in promoting essential oils through social media. Various brands of essential oils are also available on the market, making it easier for you to choose the one that suits your needs.

Quoted from the Healthline page, these essential oils are usually used as aromatherapy, a form of alternative medicine that uses plant extracts to support health and well-being.

Essential oil can be applied as a way to apply it to several points on the body or diluted with the help of a diffuser so that the aroma can spread well in the air so that the benefits are evenly distributed

One type of essential oil that is known to have many uses, namely ylang ylang oil or extract from the cananga flower. Here are some of the benefits of ylang ylang oil Popmama.com summarized from various sources.

1. Help prevent stress

1. Help prevent stress

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Launch VeryWellHealth, applying a few drops of the essential oil of ylang flower on the skin can prevent stress. This has been proven by a research on Phytotherapy in 2006.

Another study published in the International Journal of Neuroscience in 2008 also found that inhaling smells essential oil ylang ylang can help increase feelings of calm. So, maybe it can help someone to avoid stress.

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2. Lower blood pressure

2. Lower blood pressure

Pixabay / BrandeePember

The relaxing or soothing effect of ylang-ylang essential oil may also lower blood pressure in the body. In a study, it was stated that inhaling ylang ylang had a sedative effect which significantly reduced the levels of systolic and diastolic blood pressure and heart rate in healthy men.

This is also confirmed by other research. A 2012 study published in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, for example, researchers asked 83 people with high blood pressure or prehypertension (a condition characterized by high blood pressure) to inhale the scent of a blend of ylang ylang, lavender, and marjoram essential oils. , and neroli or placebo fragrances.

The results of the study showed that those in the essential oil treatment group had decreased blood pressure and cortisol levels (a hormone released during the stress response). Based on these findings, the study authors explained that essential oils may offer a relaxing effect that is useful in controlling blood pressure.

However, you should consult your doctor first if you want to use ylang ylang essential oil as a treatment option for hypertension. Keep in mind that essential oils should not be used as a substitute for treating patients with chronic health conditions.

3. Reducing symptoms of anxiety

3. Reducing symptoms of anxiety

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Use essential oil ylang ylang applied directly to the skin or inhaled can help reduce symptoms of anxiety. This is because the scent of ylang ylang tends to have a calming effect. So, maybe it can help boost a more positive mood and thoughts.

Quoted from IDNTimes, there was an ethnopharmacological study in 2018 which revealed scientific evidence regarding the anti-anxiety effects of the cananga plant. It is said that by inhaling the aroma, it can bring about positive energy and a mood that reacts directly to the olfactory and nervous systems.

The study also explains several areas of the body that are affected, namely the hippocampus in the brain and the serotonin system, which results in the release of negative emotions. These negative emotions include feelings of humility, sadness, anger, jealousy, and chronic stress.

4. Can overcome inflammation

4. Can overcome inflammation

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Ylang ylang oil can be used to treat inflammation. This is because Yang Ylang contains linalool, a compound that has anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-inflammatory properties.

There is evidence that ylang ylang is quite effective in reducing Candida albicans, a condition caused by fungal infections. In addition, ylang ylang can also treat seborrheic dermatitis.

Seborrheic dermatitis causes irregular sebum production and leads to infection of the epidermal cells. This condition can occur on the scalp, cheeks, and eyebrows. The symptoms are very annoying and make the skin appear flaky and pale.

Ylang ylang will help cure the condition. By regulating sebum production and treating infections so as to minimize skin irritation which is characterized by skin redness.

5. Also be aware of the side effects of ylang ylang

5. Also be aware of the side effects of ylang ylang

Pixabay / mayapujiati

Although there are many benefits that can be obtained from essential oil ylang ylang. However, it does not rule out the side effects that may arise.

It could be, the use of ylang ylang oil causes irritation. So, choose ylang ylang that already contains other additives, not pure ylang ylang oil.

So, it’s best to be careful before using it. Moreover, if you want to apply it to one part of the body, such as the skin.

Also, be aware that ylang ylang may poison pets. So, use it and store it properly to keep it safe.

These are some of the benefits of ylang ylang and possible side effects. Hopefully this can be useful, yes.

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