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6 Benefits of ice cubes for your face that you must try

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. There are many benefits of ice cubes for your face that you can get. Not only refreshing, rubbing ice cubes on the face can also improve blood flow and make the skin brighter. Various kinds of skin problems can be overcome in this way.

Increases Skin Absorption

Stylecraze (stylecraze.com) says that rubbing ice cubes on the face can increase the absorption of the skin. Rub an ice cube after you use a night cream or other type of serum. The ice cubes will constrict the capillaries on the face so that the absorption of the care products can be maximized.

Eliminating Panda Eyes

You can remove panda eyes or dark circles under the eyes by rubbing an ice cube. The way you need to do is quite easy. First, boil the rose water and cucumber juice together.

Freeze the boiled water then use it to remove panda eyes. However, this method cannot show fast results. You need to rub ice cubes from rose water and cucumber juice for some time so that the panda eyes are completely gone.

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Reduces Eye Bags

Not only does it get rid of stubborn panda eyes, the benefits of ice cubes for the face can also reduce annoying eye bags. Rub an ice cube in a circular motion on the eye bags to reduce puffiness under the eye.

Treating Acne

Do you have acne skin problems? If so, Stylecraze recommends ice cubes to treat that skin problem. Using ice cubes will reduce the production of oil that clogs pores. In addition, swollen pimples can also be reduced due to ice cubes.

Cleaning Pores

Another benefit of ice cubes for your face is that the cleanliness of your pores is maintained. Excess oil and other types of dirt can clog pores, causing blackheads and pimples.

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By rubbing ice cubes after washing your face, the dirt that clogs your pores can be removed. As a result, your pores are cleaner and less clogged so that acne and other skin problems are no longer easy for you to experience.

Disguise wrinkles

You can prevent the appearance of signs of aging, such as wrinkles, by rubbing ice cubes on your face regularly. Not only does it disguise existing wrinkles, ice cubes can also prevent the appearance of new wrinkles that can interfere with your appearance.

Editor: Belladina Biananda