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6 benefits of hugging with a partner

Hugging, a simple thing that turns out to have great benefits. Research shows that cuddling with your partner has benefits for women’s physical and mental health. What are some?

Hugging activity produces two hormones in the body, namely oxytocin and serotonin. The hormone oxytocin makes you feel relaxed and can reduce stress, depression, anger, loneliness, anxiety, or other negative emotions. While the hormone serotonin works to regulate mood You and make you happier.

Launching from the BBC, for women, the good news is that the hormone oxytocin works better in increasing calm and feeling more relaxed in women than in men.

A study conducted by Carneige Mellon University, USA, states that hugging makes adults less susceptible to disease. The more frequent hugs, the stronger their immune system.

Medelleine M. Castellanos, MD, a psychiatrist in New York, USA, says that hugging can lower blood pressure. Hugging can also keep your heart rhythm normal. It is the same as when exercising.

Medical University of Vienna, Austria, publishes that cuddling can improve memory. This is because when we hug, our bodies will relax and our blood circulation will flow smoothly throughout the body, including the brain. Thus, the performance of the brain will be better.

A study of several couples who were routinely hugged by Cognition and Affect Regulation Laboratory at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland, showing that cuddling leads to greater intimacy and satisfaction with a partner.

Quoting from National Public Radio (NPR), USOne of the advantages of cuddling is increasing trust. Hugging can trigger the hormone oxytocin, which stimulates feelings of trust. Plus, cuddling makes a person feel valuable. People who are hugged a lot will feel more confident.

Minimum 8 Hugs Every Day
Virginia Satir, family therapist from the United States, said that we need at least 8 hugs every day. But it is possible if you want to cuddle more.

Cuddle in the Morning
Launch from USA Today, hugging in the morning before starting the activity can keep yourself from the risk of stress caused by work from outside. So, hugged Papa today, Mom?

Also read:
Seven Benefits of Cuddling
Benefits of 17 Hug a Day
The magic of the hug
Hug Increase Child Confidence
The Meaning of Hugs for Baby Health