6 Benefits of citrus fruits for your health
KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. Who doesn’t know and likes citrus fruits. This is the benefit of citrus fruit for your health.
Citrus fruit is known as a fruit that is rich in vitamin C. This orange fruit is also an antioxidant that can prevent cell damage and ward off free radicals.
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Luckily, citrus fruits are very easy to get. So, don’t waste the oranges that are already available on your dining table.
If you like eating citrus fruits, you can get the following health benefits.
1. Lowering the risk of cancer
Citrus fruits contain limonoids which help prevent cancer cells from appearing in the skin, lungs, breasts, stomach and colon. In addition, the vitamin C in oranges helps protect cells from free radicals.
2. Lower cholesterol
Citrus fruits are rich in soluble fiber, which helps lower cholesterol. Good cholesterol, which can also reduce the risk of various diseases.
3. Improve heart health
Potassium contained in citrus fruits can help the heart function properly. As is known, low potassium can increase the risk of heart rhythm disorders.
4. Overcoming constipation
Citrus fruit is one of the many fruits that contain fiber. With the help of fiber, digestion will be healthier and overcome constipation problems.
5. Controlling blood pressure
Citrus fruits contain a flavonoid called hesperidin. The compound functions to control blood pressure. The magnesium in oranges also helps keep blood pressure from getting high.
6. Healthy skin
Citrus fruits contain beta-carotene, which is an antioxidant to help protect skin cells from damage. By regularly eating oranges which are rich in vitamin C, your skin will look healthier and radiant. (Dian Maharani)
Also Read: Orange fruit juice is effective in treating diabetes mellitus, diabetics must know
This article was published on Kompas.com entitled “Do you like to eat oranges? These are the benefits”