4 Benefits of Expressed Breast Milk

Although it is said that the quality of expressed breastmilk is not as good as breastmilk that is sucked directly from your breast, it is still necessary and beneficial for the baby. Some of the benefits include:
1. As a stock of breast milk for babies when Mama is working, so that children still get exclusive breastfeeding rights for the full 6 months.
2. Give breast milk to a sick baby who cannot suck milk directly from the mother’s breast.
3. Giving breast milk to babies who have difficulty sucking breasts, for example because of flat nipple problems, tongue-tie, etc.
4. Maintain the supply of breast milk when the baby or mother is sick, so that the baby still gets quality milk intake.
Then, how do you get Mama to produce high quality and abundant milk milk? Use the supply = demand principle. The more often you express breastmilk, the more milk production will be. In addition, make sure you are in a comfortable and relaxed condition when expressing breast milk. Comfortable and relaxing conditions will stimulate the production of the hormone oxytocin which triggers the reflex or bursts of milk let down reflex (LDR).
Comfortable conditions can also be created through selection breast pump right. Breast pump The good one must make mama comfortable and be able to sit back during the process of expressing breastmilk. Mama can try Comfort Single Electric Breast Pump from Philips Avent which allows you to express breastmilk without having to lean forward to ensure that the milk is expressed in the bottle. Breast pump it also offers 3 modes of pumping motion which mimic the motion of a baby’s breastfeeding, which is certainly very comfortable on your breasts. With all the conveniences offered, abundant milk milk is not impossible to get.