Benefits of Kiwi Fruit for Children

The number of children who are obese continues to increase. One of the causes is a poor and unbalanced diet. Children tend to like high calorie, fast food, and high sugar foods. And it is exacerbated by a lack of physical activity, due to the increasing hobby of playing games. Of course, this condition cannot be tolerated, because the child’s health is at stake. Put an end to a bad diet by starting to feed him foods that affect his digestive and metabolic health.
Have you tried kiwi? In the first international symposium on kiwifruit and health in New Zealand, initiated by the Riddet Institute (New Zealand research institute), and supported by Zespri International Ltd. Last April, clinical trial results showed the benefits of kiwifruit in overall health.
In the market there are two variants of kiwifruit, namely green and sungold. Kiwi green has the highest fiber content, which is 3g / 100g. Meanwhile, sungold kiwi has the highest vitamin C content, even three times higher than oranges. Kiwi Sungold has more water content and is sweeter when softer (tastes sweeter when the fruit is softer). If your little one doesn’t really like the sour taste of kiwi, you should choose the sungold type.
To get the overall health benefits of the body, Dr. dr. Fiastuti Witjaksono, MSc. MS. SpGK, Head of the RSCM Nutrition Department, recommends consuming 2-3 servings of fruit and 3-5 servings of vegetables per day. Kiwi fruit can complement the daily nutritional needs of the family, including your little one. Consumption of 2 kiwi fruit per day will provide many health benefits, including helping the metabolic process (kiwi only contributes 57kcal / 100g), increasing the immune system (thanks to the high vitamin C content), reducing fatigue and increasing energy, warding off free radicals, and is a source of nutrition for growing children (fiber, antioxidants, minerals, vitamin E, and vitamin C). (photo: 123rf)
Tip: To reduce the sour taste of kiwifruit, there’s no need to store it in the refrigerator. Kiwi fruit will taste sweeter when stored at room temperature.