– The benefits of cactus grown indoors will be able to make your home look unique and beautiful. This cactus plant can also make your room look more beautiful than before, so it’s no wonder that many people choose to keep cacti in their homes.
However, besides being able to decorate the room of your home, cactus has special benefits for the health of the body. Cactus itself consists of various types, variations, sizes and colors that need to be considered before you care for them. Some types such as Parodia cactus, Haworthia (Zebra Cactus), Pincushion, Fairy Castle, Chepalocereus senilis, Beaver Tail, and Gymnocalycium decorative cactus you can make the right choice for beginners because they have extra durability and don’t require complicated care.
The benefits of cactus grown indoors include that it can clean the air. So do not be surprised if this one plant is very popular because of its benefits that can help with breathing. Here are the benefits of cactus grown indoors, which have been summarized from various sources.
Clean the Air
The next benefit of cactus is that it can clean the air. Please note that cactus has a very good function in cleaning the air and removing toxins. Of course this makes your room more comfortable to live in.
NASA researched and found that cacti can remove 87 percent of volatile organic compounds or VOCs such as formaldehyde and benzene. These compounds are often found in cigarette smoke, grocery bags, ink and carpets. That way, of course, the benefits of this indoor cactus are so good to use for cleaning the air of your home or room.
Aids Breathing
The benefit of the next cactus plant indoors is that it can help with breathing. This plant helps remove carbon dioxide. As is known carbon dioxide is the residual respiratory gas which will then be absorbed by the cactus and converted into a source of nutrition by it.
Not only that, but cactus grown indoors will also release fresh oxygen which is useful for your breathing. Especially at night so it can help improve the quality of your sleep and rest.
Make Focus Increase
Another benefit of the cactus indoors is that it can make your focus increase. Some people often feel unfocused when working or doing tasks at home. Several studies on students to workers show that concentration, brain power to attention will increase when studying or working with plants in the room.
A study from the University of Michigan says that having a plant near you increases memory retention by as much as 20 percent. Not only that, a study was also conducted in the UK on students and found those whose attention was increased to 70% greater when studying in a room with plants.
Help Prevent Disease
The benefits of cactus indoors are also useful in helping your body prevent disease attacks. As much as 10 percent of the moisture in the atmosphere is water from plants. This also applies to either the house or the room you live in. By having lots of plants, you will also get a humid home environment too.
A study from Agricultural University of Norway said that the magic level in offices that had plants decreased by as much as 60%. The presence of good moisture will keep you from dry skin, dry cough and sore throat. It is known that this cactus is also very, very effective at killing bacteria. So you can use it to maintain health from disease.
Heals Pain Faster
One of the benefits of cactus grown indoors is that it is able to restore those of you who are suffering from disease to recover faster. So, the benefits of this cactus can not only prevent disease attacks. Caring for a cactus can help you reduce the symptoms of headaches, flu, coughs, and fevers.
Kansas State University researchers say that hospital patients who are planted with plants will need less painkillers, have lower blood pressure and heart rates. Not only that, it can even lead you to lower levels of anxiety and fatigue.
Those were the benefits of cacti grown indoors. Hopefully this information can help you to keep fresh air in your room or house. So that in the future it will be more comfortable to live in and able to make you concentrate when doing assignments or work. Good luck.