The benefits of fasting are useful for your health
KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. Do you fast often? If so, there are many benefits of fasting, you can get.
Some of the benefits of fasting are that blood sugar is better controlled, heart health is maintained, relieves inflammation, slows down aging, and loses weight.
Blood sugar is better controlled
Fasting can improve blood sugar control in the body so it is suitable for diabetics on a regular basis. A study conducted on 10 diabetic patients showed that their blood sugar was reduced after doing intermittent fasting for a short time.
Quoting from Healthline, fasting is also able to increase insulin sensitivity so that the distribution of glucose to cells becomes more effective. However, men and women experience the effects of fasting differently.
So, you should first consult your doctor if you want to try fasting.
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Relieves inflammation
In fact, inflammation or inflammation is a normal thing that the body does to fight infection.
However, when inflammation occurs in excess, it can be harmful to health. Severe inflammation can be a sign of a chronic illness, such as heart disease or cancer.
Several studies have shown that you can use fasting to reduce inflammation so that your body’s health can be maintained. A study involving 50 healthy adults showed that the level of inflammation was reduced after doing intermittent fasting for a month.
Maintain heart health
One of the ways you can take care of your heart health is by fasting regularly. Some of the benefits of fasting that are good for heart health are reducing the amount of bad cholesterol, blood pressure, and triglycerides.
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Lose weight
Fasting can also help you lose weight. Intermittent fasting in a short time able to increase the number the neurotransmitter norepinephrine so that metabolism increases. That way, you can lose weight.
Not only that, fasting can also limit the intake of calories that enter your body. As a result, reduced body fat and muscle tissue is preserved. If you want to lose weight effectively, there is nothing wrong with trying fasting.
Slows down aging
A study using experimental animals shows that fasting can slow down the aging process. As many as 83% of the animals used in the study even lived longer than other animals that were not fasting.
However, other research is still needed to prove this in humans.
Editor: Belladina Biananda