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What Are The Health Benefits Of Warming Up Before Exercising? All pages

KOMPAS.com – When we only have a short amount of time to exercise, we are often tempted to skip the warm-up.

In fact, athletes and some people also skip warm-up time because they want to catch up on the intensity of the exercise.

Yes, warming up is often ignored by many people before exercising because it is quite time consuming.

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However, what are the bad effects for people who exercise without warming up?

Launch from Mayo ClinicWhile warming up adds a few minutes to your exercise routine, it can also reduce stress on your heart and other muscles.

Warming up before you exercise, especially before engaging in strenuous activity, has very real physiological, and often psychological benefits.

Warming up usually involves activity at a slower pace and of lower intensity.

Warming up gradually helps improve the cardiovascular system by increasing body temperature and blood flow to the muscles.

Not only the heart, warming up also prepares your lungs and muscles for a heavier exercise phase.

Summarizes from Verywell FitHere are the specifics of what happens to your body during heating:

1. Muscle temperature increases

Warm muscles contract more intensely and relax more quickly, reducing the risk of over-stretching and causing injury.

Your overall body temperature also increases, which increases muscle elasticity. This can increase your speed and strength.

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2. Blood temperature rises

The blood temperature increases as it flows through the muscles.

As the blood temperature rises, the binding of oxygen to hemoglobin weakens so that oxygen is more readily available to working muscles, which can increase endurance.

3. Enlarged blood vessels

This increases blood flow and reduces pressure on the heart.

4. The range of motion increases

Warming up allows your large joints (such as shoulders and knees) to reach their maximum potential for movement.

5. You avoid overheating

By activating the heat dissipation mechanism in your body, your body can cool down efficiently and help prevent early overheating.

During vigorous aerobic activity, such as running races or cycling, this is especially important.

6. Hormonal changes occur

Your body increases the production of various hormones, including cortisol and epinephrine, which are responsible for regulating energy production.

During heating, this hormonal balance makes more carbohydrates and fatty acids available for energy production.

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7. Mental preparation

Warm-ups are also a great time to mentally prepare for an event by clearing your mind, increasing focus, and reviewing skills and strategies.

A positive image can also make you relax and build concentration to do a competition.

The right way of heating

The thing to remember about warming up is that it’s not meant to drain energy but makes you feel better, opens up your bloodstream, and prepares your muscles.

Some tips on how to properly warm up before exercising that you can follow are quoted from US News:

1. Do it short and lightly

The American College of Sports Medicine recommends warming up to be slow and easy. You can do a brisk walk, light jog or bike ride for 10 to 15 minutes.

The purpose of warming up is to sweat early.

A good rule of thumb: warm up to about 30 percent of the intensity of your exercise.

2. Dynamic stretching

Perform small, easy-to-do movements such as rotating your pelvis, turning your neck, turning your arms, walking with kicks, and other movements that actively trade your muscles.

Perform dynamic stretches, which involve continuous movement through a variety of movements.

Some examples include making large arm circles in both directions, kicking your feet forward, or touching your toes and pointing your hands up.

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3. Do according to the type of sport you are going to do

Warm up according to the type of exercise to be done. Of course warming up with lifting weights is different from cardio exercise.

If you’re getting ready for a run, try brisk walking. Meanwhile, for activities such as lifting weights, you can do movements without using weights.

4. Focus

Heating is a good means of metal preparation. Much of the psychology research has shown mental images basically visualize how you are doing well in the field.

For that, warming up is also a way to train your focus before doing sports.