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Benefits of walking sports for the elderly, know how to do it

Benefits of walking sports for the elderly, know how to do itIllustration of walking. Shutterstock / auremar

Merdeka.com – Entering old age, of course, the body’s ability to carry out various activities decreases. None other than caused by the function of various parts of the body of the elderly who continue to decline. The elderly need to reduce and limit every activity they do so as not to have a negative impact on their health.

However, it does not mean that people who enter old age should not do sports activities. Everyone, including the elderly, needs to do regular sports activities so that their body health is maintained. But in this case, the elderly should do light sports activities that can provide benefits and do not harm the body.

One of the mild sports that the elderly can do is walking. It is known that there are several benefits of walking for the elderly that can be obtained. Even light exercise is said to have a good effect on health and make the body fitter.

For those of you who have elderly family members and want to adopt a healthy lifestyle, this type of exercise can be a recommendation. Some of the benefits of walking exercise for the elderly can be considered to generate the intention to start this habit.

Reporting from The Healthy website, here we summarize the benefits of walking exercise for the elderly and how to do it that you need to know.

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