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A Series of Ways to Overcome Possessive Children

Often spending time every day with mom can make a child possessive, you know. If left unchecked, Mother's activities will become more limited and your child will cry easily when you are not next to him. So, how to deal with it?

Since Little was still in the womb until the first few years of his life, it is undeniable that Mother did play a big role in her care. Almost all of Mother's time and attention is devoted to her.

For this reason, it is only natural that Mother becomes a person who is so idolized and loved by Little, to the point that she does not want to be separated from Mother's side and continues to stick all day.

Tips to overcome possessive children

In fact, the nature of children possessive and wanted to spend time with his mother is normal, anyway. This condition can occur because he feels very comfortable and safe beside his mother, so he does not want himself to be left behind even if only for a minute.

However, this is certainly not good if you leave it alone. Continuing to follow the child's will is also not allowed, you know, Bun. In addition, if the possessive nature continues to carry over until he is large, the Little One will find it difficult to be independent without the help of Mother.

Well, here are some tips for dealing with possessive children:

1. Give understanding

One way to overcome possessive children is to often provide understanding to them. When you have to do something that distracts you from it, for example, cooking or bathing, it is very important for you to explain what you have to do.

Although still small, children can understand what is said by his mother, anyway. So, try to tell Little One repeatedly with simple sentences, so he can understand.

2. Distract him

Having possessive children often makes a mother have to hold back urination. A possessive child will fuss or cry even if the mother only goes briefly to the bathroom. In fact, not a few children who insist on having to go with their mothers to the bathroom, you know.

Well, so that the focus of the Little One is no longer focused on the Mother, Mother can divert his attention, for example by giving him toys or reading books. After that, you can hurry to do what you need to do.

3. Give the child a small assignment

Possessiveness can arise because the child feels that he cannot do anything without his mother. Well, Mother can change this mindset by familiarizing your child independently. Just give him a small task, like tidying his toys or just arranging objects on the table before dinner.

After he has done the work Mother asked for, don't forget to compliment him on what he has done. That way, your child will realize that he can do something himself without the need to always accompany Mother.

4. Don't forget to say goodbye

A possessive child will not let his mother go somewhere without asking him. In order for your child to understand that you must leave your side and go somewhere, it is important to say goodbye to her before you leave the house and tell her when you will return.

If your child cries, try to calm him down first. In order not to make Mother late, say goodbye for a few hours before leaving, or even since the day before.

Give understanding that Mother must go out of the house, for example, go shopping and she may not come along, especially in the middle of a pandemic like today. You can also ask for help from your father, caregiver, or other family members to look after your child when you leave.

Facing a possessive child with a mother is not easy and requires a lot of patience. However, that does not mean these properties can not be changed, yes.

If the tips above have been done by Mother but the baby still does not want to be separated from the Mother or even shows excessive reaction when left, for example damaging the goods or hurting him, it's good Mother to consult with a doctor or psychologist to get the right direction.