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How to Deal with Bored Children at Home during the Corona Pandemic

The corona pandemic situation makes everyone have to do social distancing or keep their distance, including children. The schools moved the teaching and learning process in their respective homes until an undetermined time limit. After more than 1 month, many parents complain that their children are getting bored of playing and studying at home. So, how do you deal with bored children at home during the corona pandemic? Here are the tips for you.

Should children feel bored at home during a pandemic?

Yes, this is perfectly natural, and being bored is completely normal. Sir Ken Robinson wrote in his book You, Your Child, and School that boredom occurs when the environment is very monotonous. Not only that, but boredom also occurs when there isn't anything you can do to distract yourself.

This can also happen if the child continues to do monotonous activities and is not given other activities to divert. Parents may prohibit certain activities that may be detrimental, such as playing devices. However, don't be prohibited.

This is done so that children have many opportunities to try other activities. Instead, direct the child to try activities during quarantine at home as a way to deal with boredom.

Can boredom interfere with a child's mental health?

Basically, the mental health of children will not be disturbed just because they are bored. Boredom in general will encourage children to look for other activities.

However, when he is bored with one activity and is forced to continue to do so, it will be difficult for him to concentrate on that activity.

For example, when a child is bored with his studies, he will start talking to friends or playing with his pencil. This can be done at school but not at home. No socialization can divert the boredom that attacks.

However, if this condition lasts for a long time, for example, months or years, the constant boredom can affect their emotions, for example, the child experiences anxiety and feels depressed.

This is what makes parents need to find ways to deal with children's boredom at home during the corona pandemic.

How to deal with boredom when children are at home during a pandemic?

You can look for other activities that can be done at home, not limited to gadgets, because the impact of the gadget for too long can have an impact, one of which is on emotions. Do activities that can be done at home, for example:

  • Cook with children
  • Making crafts with used items
  • Coloring or drawing
  • Help with homework
  • Role-playing, story
  • Cut and paste
  • Sports (yoga and gymnastics)

If your child tends to be fussy during a pandemic, try to involve the child in daily activities. For example, invite children to tidy up their own clothes, put clothes in the washing machine, dry clothes set the table.

Is this a good way to deal with children's boredom at home? Yes, this method is able to train a child's sense of responsibility according to their age, it helps children have fun routine activities.

You can also play games together at home, for example, traditional toys, snakes and ladders, or rubber. This game can teach children about Indonesian cultural traditions.

Other family games such as cards or ludo can be a means of bonding with children. Another way, make games that can be done at home according to the age of your child.

For example, guess the picture or guess the movement, throw the ball into the basket, build a puppet platform together, look for the hidden doll in the house.

How do parents control themselves so they don't get emotional seeing their children's attitudes during a pandemic?

During a pandemic, not only children feel bored but also parents, this often makes parents unable to control their emotions. Here's how to deal with parents so they don't get emotional during the pandemic when they face bored children at home.

  • Make a daily schedule to make it easier.
  • Reduce expectations, for example, the house must be clean every day, food must be ideal every time, etc. adjust to your ability.
  • Collaborate and share tasks with spouses and children.
  • Take some time for me, for example, 30 minutes with your child, your hobby is just listening to songs, and vice versa with your partner.
  • Do regular exercise, for example, every morning exercise or yoga via the internet.
  • When upset, take time alone, do relaxation, help drink water, calm down. Talk to children when you have calmed down.

Is it necessary to consult a psychologist when children start to rebel because they are bored?

If the reason is boredom and has only lasted a few days, the child does not need to be taken to a psychologist. Try the suggestions above to help, the most important thing is that parents are calm in dealing with it.

However, if it has interfered with daily and social activities such as not wanting to do all of their tasks or not talking to anyone for 2 weeks, please consult a psychologist for further examination. This is the best way to deal with a severe level of boredom at home.