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What is Nerve Disorders and How to Prevent Them

When you experience a nervous breakdown, this is a sign that there is a condition that interferes with the work of the nervous system in the body. If this is the case, you may find it difficult to carry out your normal daily activities. However, often the symptoms of neurological disorders that you have already felt are ignored until finally, the condition you are experiencing is too severe. Therefore, instead of treating it, you better prevent nervous disorders. Check out the following article for a complete explanation.

People who are most susceptible to nervous disorders 

Of the many types of nervous disorders, the most common types experienced by people are:

  • Nerve disorders due to blood vessels
  • Nerve disorders due to infection 
  • Nerve disorders due to trauma or impact 
  • Nerve disorders due to neoplasm or malignancy
  • Neurological disorders due to immunity problems

Each of the above nervous disorders is susceptible to be experienced by different people. For example, blood vessel disorders that can lead to stroke are usually susceptible to be experienced by people who have cardiovascular problems.

Usually, people who are prone to experiencing this condition are patients with heart problems, hypertension, diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, and people who have a smoking habit.

Furthermore, people who are prone to neurological disorders due to infection are usually patients with low immune systems.

This is commonly experienced by HIV patients, autoimmune patients due to taking immune response suppressant drugs, and post-graft or transplant patients.

Meanwhile, there are more people who are prone to neurological disorders due to trauma. Why? This is because everyone who uses a motorized vehicle has the possibility to have an accident.

If there is an accident and the person has a collision, they may experience nervous breakdowns due to trauma.

Then, nervous disorders due to neoplasms are susceptible to people who have a family history of tumors or cancer.

That is people who are healthy but have family members who have cancer also have the potential to experience this condition.

Not to forget, nervous disorders due to immune disorders will be vulnerable to people who have a history of autoimmune diseases. From this, it can be concluded that this condition has a very broad scope and can be experienced by anyone.

Symptoms of a nervous breakdown that people often underestimate

Even though neurological disorders can be experienced by anyone, it does not mean that everyone understands the symptoms of this condition. This means that many symptoms are experienced but are not recognized as nervous disorders. In fact, if left for too long and not treated immediately, this condition can become worse and more fatal.

Here are some symptoms that are often underestimated:

1. Headache

Not a few people often underestimate headaches. In fact, it is not uncommon for people to think that sleep is the cure for all headaches. Unfortunately, headaches are one of the most overlooked symptoms of neurological disorders.

You need to know that headaches, ranging from mild to severe, are a symptom of a nervous breakdown. Therefore, if you experience headaches, it never hurts to see a neurologist.

2. Pain 

Pain is also a symptom that is often underestimated. Pain, which is a symptom of a nervous breakdown, can be experienced in the head, neck, legs, hands, and waist. In other words, this pain can be felt in all or part of your body.

3. Tingling and numbness

If you sit cross-legged for too long and feel tingling or numbness, that's normal. However, if you feel this often without being influenced by body position, this condition could be a sign that you have a nervous breakdown.

4. Weaknesses

Not a few people misinterpret weakness. For example, when your body feels weak, you might think it is due to tiredness.

In fact, weakness is a symptom of a nervous breakdown that not many people may know. You are advised to see a neurologist if the energy starts to decrease and you often feel weak for no reason.

A lifestyle that affects nerve function 

There are habits or lifestyle that can affect nerve function. The effect this exerts depends on the lifestyle you lead. This means that there are lifestyles that can have a good effect, but some can have a negative impact on your nerve health.

Lifestyle and habits that have a bad influence

Smoking is one lifestyle that can adversely affect your nerve function and overall health.

The reason is, exposure to chemicals contained in cigarettes has the potential to cause blockage of blood vessels in the brain.

In addition to an unhealthy lifestyle such as smoking, small habits that you do every day can also cause you to experience nervous disorders.

These habits, for example, do the wrong sitting, standing, or lying down. In addition, several other habits can be the cause of this condition, namely:

  • The habit of putting things in the back of your pants pocket.
  • Keep your head down too long.
  • Using stacked pillows when lying down.
  • Using high heels.

If you don't want to experience this condition, avoid doing these bad habits.

Lifestyle and habits that have a good influence

Meanwhile, there is also a lifestyle that you can adopt as an effort to prevent nervous disorders, namely exercise.

Basically, any kind of exercise and stretching is healthy for the body and helps you to keep your nerves functioning properly.

However, the most recommended exercise for you to do to prevent nervous disorders is swimming. Why? This is because swimming is a sport that is low impact and low gravity.

The sign, this sport is relatively safe. In addition, as long as you do this exercise properly, you will feel the benefits, especially in preventing nervous disorders.

When swimming, your body mass will be lighter because you are in the water. This causes the possibility of a collision between bones which has the potential to cause the pinched nerve to be smaller.

In addition, when doing this exercise in water, you will use all parts of your body to move. This makes blood circulation in the body even better.

In addition, besides exercising, you can also take neurotropic supplements such as vitamin B complex and folic acid to maintain proper nerve function. These supplements work by protecting nerve cells and nerve fibers from damage.

When is the time to see a neurologist?

One of the efforts to prevent nervous disorders or overcome this condition so that it does not get worse is to see a doctor. The following symptoms are signs that it is time to consult a neurologist.

1. Pain or soreness  

As I mentioned above, people often underestimate pain. Therefore, you should immediately consult a neurologist if you experience pain or tenderness in your head, neck, back, shoulders, hands, feet, knees, or anywhere else on your body.

The reason is, the nerves have sensory content that contains pain receptors. If your senses pick up on pain, something is wrong with your nerves. Therefore, it is better to consult a doctor immediately.

2. Weaknesses

Weakness or paralysis, even if it is only temporary, certainly does not bode well for your health. Moreover, if your energy decreases. This is the time you go to see a neurologist check your health condition.

3. Tingling

This condition is among the most underrated symptoms. In fact, tingling that is not caused by a sitting position, nerves being squeezed or bound is one of the symptoms that you should be aware of.

4. Numbness

Sudden numbness, or numbness in certain body parts, indicates a problem with your nerves. Therefore, if you feel numbness, numbness, or numbness without any reason, consult a neurologist immediately.

5. Hug 

If you feel cramps from not warming up while exercising, that's still quite normal. However, if cramps appear at unexpected times such as waking up, walking, and other unexpected times, this could be a sign of a problem with your nervous system.

6. Impaired balance

Impaired balance or vertigo is another symptom of nervous disorders. Usually, you will feel the world around you as if it were spinning or rocking. If you have experienced a similar condition, immediately consult a neurologist.

7. Impaired memory

Memory problems are one of the problems that are often experienced but are rarely recognized as a sign of nervous disorders. One example is forgetting where an object is even though you just moved it.

Of course, you don't want this condition to get worse to make you senile. So, before that happens, immediately consult a doctor.

8. The body feels asymmetrical 

Maybe this is a symptom of a fairly prominent nervous breakdown. For example, your lips become asymmetrical and you can't control it. In addition, a drooping eye or shoulder can also be a sign that you have a nervous breakdown.

9. Seizures 

Seizures are another sign of problems with your nervous system. If you have experienced it without a particular reason, it is better to have your nerves checked by a doctor immediately.

11. Movement slows down

If you are usually fast and agile, suddenly moving slowly, you should be suspicious. It could be, this condition is caused by a disturbance in your nervous system.

12. Unskilled movement

Imagine if you suddenly couldn't do light activities, like buttoning clothes or tying shoelaces.

If you suddenly have trouble, or even can't do it at all, this could be a sign of a nervous breakdown.

13. Difficulty walking

Usually, you can walk well without any problems. In fact, you don't even have to think to get started.

However, if you have a nervous breakdown, you may suddenly have difficulty walking. This happens because of coordination problems in your brain.

14. Often fainting 

It may not occur to you that frequent fainting is also a symptom of this condition. You may conclude that fainting frequently means that you are too tired, or even because you haven't eaten.

Even though when fainted, the brain is deprived of oxygen. Meanwhile, the causes of this condition vary, one of which is a disturbance in the nerves.

15. Sleep disturbances 

Do you often feel sleepy even though you have had enough sleep or your body continues to feel tired every time you wake up? This could be a sign of a problem with your nerves.

16. Condition without complaint

In addition to the conditions that I have mentioned above, there are also several conditions that you should still see a doctor, even if you have no complaints, including:

People with a history of hypertension

Hypertension or high blood pressure is one of the risk factors for stroke. Therefore, if you have a history of hypertension, you should also consult a neurologist to prevent nerve disorders.


You may think that diabetes has nothing to do with conditions in the nervous system. In fact, if the sugar level in the body is too high, this condition can damage blood vessels. If so, you can have a stroke.

In fact, you can experience tingling, numbness, and burning sensations in both hands or both feet. This condition can also be referred to as diabetic neuropathy.

People with high cholesterol levels

Cholesterol levels that are too high can cause constriction of blood vessels and impaired blood flow. Both of these conditions can cause a stroke.

Do not underestimate the various symptoms that have been mentioned if you have recently started to feel them. Also, try to always adopt a healthy lifestyle to avoid various diseases including problems with the nervous system.