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Variety of Cardiomyopathy Symptoms and Treatment

cardiomyopathy rarely felt in the early stages of the disease. Symptoms usually appear only after the heart's performance has decreased significantly. That is why the symptoms of cardiomyopathy need to be recognized and treated immediately. For more details, see the following article.

Cardiomyopathy is a condition when the heart muscle undergoes changes, whether it becomes wider, thicker, or stiffer so that its function is reduced. In most cases, the symptoms of cardiomyopathy are only felt when the heart function has weakened, so this disease is often detected when the patient's condition is bad.

In a small proportion of cases, the disease is detected accidentally when the patient is doing a chest x-ray for the purpose of diagnosing another disease.

These are the Symptoms of Cardiomyopathy

Symptoms of cardiomyopathy basically arise because the heart muscle is unable to pump blood containing nutrients and oxygen throughout the body optimally. Therefore, the symptoms that appear may coincide with other symptoms of heart disease.

You will feel a number of these symptoms if the cardiomyopathy has entered a fairly severe stage:

  • Shortness of breath or shortness of breath, even if only doing light activity
  • Fatigue and weakness
  • Swelling of the ankles, legs, stomach, and blood vessels in the neck
  • Dizzy
  • High blood pressure
  • Cough, especially when sleeping on your back
  • Mild headaches
  • Irregular heartbeat ( arrhythmia )
  • Chest pain, especially after physical activity or after eating
  • Fainting

Cardiomyopathy Management

If you experience symptoms of cardiomyopathy, consult a doctor immediately. The doctor will perform an examination and ask about your symptoms and medical history to find out your condition in detail.

If the medical history and physical examination results indicate that the symptoms may be caused by cardiomyopathy, the doctor will recommend further tests, such as chest x-rays, echocardiography, electrocardiogram, cardiac MRI, or cardiac CT scan.

If the results of investigations confirm the presence of cardiomyopathy, the doctor will prescribe medication to relieve the symptoms of cardiomyopathy.

Prescription drugs serve to increase the heart's ability to pump blood, increase blood flow, lower blood pressure, slow down the heart rate, and prevent blood clots.

If your cardiomyopathy is very severe and cannot be treated with medication alone, your doctor may recommend heart muscle surgery, pacemaker implants, or a heart transplant.

Along with the above treatments, you must also stick to a healthy lifestyle to maintain the health of your heart.

Since the cause of cardiomyopathy is not known with certainty and the initial symptoms are often not felt, a medical examination based on risk factors can detect cardiomyopathy early before it is severe and complications such as heart failure develop.

There are several factors that can increase the risk of cardiomyopathy, including heredity, obesity, excessive alcohol consumption, a history of heart disease, and the presence of certain diseases, such as chronic hypertension, diabetes, or thyroid disease.

If you have the risk factors above, have your heart checked by your doctor regularly. That way, your heart health can be monitored. Even if cardiomyopathy is found, you can get treatment earlier, so that the symptoms of cardiomyopathy can be avoided.