When Should We Bask in the Morning?
Sunbathing in the morning is now an activity loved by people from all walks of life. Not without reason, everyone wants to do their best to prevent the spread of Covid-19 which is currently endemic. Various narratives about sunbathing are also scattered on social media, ranging from the most effective time to do it to the benefits behind this simple activity.
Unfortunately, not all sunbathing information circulating on social media is 100% accurate. There are several wrong things that have spread and are believed by many people. In fact, you need to pay attention to several things if you want to take great advantage of sunbathing in the morning. If you take a wrong step, you will end up experiencing unwanted things.
So, what are the things you need to pay attention to before sunbathing in the morning? What misinformation needs to be corrected and is important for you to know?
What are the benefits of sunbathing in the morning?
Before discussing further sunbathing, you need to know what are the functions or uses of this simple activity. Sunbathing in the morning is recommended for your health. Its function is to absorb the benefits of UVB to convert provitamin D into vitamin D in the body.
The benefits of sunbathing in the morning will not be effective if you do it without paying attention to other important things. Sunbathing must be accompanied by a balanced nutritional intake. This is because the function of sunbathing is to activate the "raw material" for vitamin D in the body to function.
As is well known, vitamin D has many benefits for your body. Nutrients are important for your bones, cells, blood, and immune system. Vitamin D also helps your body use certain minerals, such as calcium and phosphorus.
When is the best time to sunbathe in the morning?
Keep in mind, sunlight contains several types of radiation called UVA, UVB, and UVC. UVA rays appear at the same time as sunrise.
Meanwhile, UVB rays appear slower because more than 95% of their content is first absorbed by ozone. This makes UVB rays available only when the sun is higher than when it is rising.
How much benefit you can get from sunbathing in the morning depends on several factors, including geographic location.
For Indonesia which is close to the equator, UVB rays that appear at 8.00-10.00 am or 15.00-16.00 hours are sufficient to convert provitamin D into vitamin D.
This breaks the viral information that says that sunbathing in the morning is best done at 10.00-13.00. The news is inaccurate because it is taken from journals that do not include geographic analysis of the region.
Apart from geographic factors, the pigment in your skin also affects how long you can benefit from the sun .
The recommended duration for light skin is 5-10 minutes, while for those of you with slightly dark skin it is approximately 15 minutes.
Can sunbathing reduce the risk of getting Covid-19?
You may often hear about the connection between sunbathing and the Covid-19 outbreak. Some say the SARS-CoV2 coronavirus which causes Covid-19 can die just because it is exposed to heat from the sun.
There is also a claim that sunlight can help you avoid the virus.
Both statements are neither completely true nor false. As already mentioned, sunbathing can increase endurance by activating vitamin D. High immunity is what can fight and prevent Covid-19.
However, the Covid-19 outbreak and sunbathing time are actually unrelated as UVB dose is determined by the latitude of a region.
There are no studies that prove that sunbathing can cure patients with Covid-19. The claim that the SARS-CoV2 virus can die from exposure to sunlight has not been scientifically proven either.
What are the bad effects of sunbathing that is not as recommended?
Sunbathing in the morning, without paying attention to the right time and duration can have a negative impact on the health of your skin. This can cause sunburn and cancer risk.
UVA levels will be higher as the sun's position increases in an area. UVA is able to penetrate the deeper layers of the skin.
As a result, this can lead to premature aging, such as wrinkles and solar aging. However, UVA itself is not directly carcinogenic, meaning that it will not directly damage skin DNA.
The types of rays that can directly damage skin DNA are UVB and UVC. Two ingredients in sunlight can cause cancer effects.
This may occur if the exposure is chronic and excessive, without any protection or protection.
What are the things that need to be prepared before sunbathing?
The use of sunscreen is important to avoid the bad consequences of sun exposure when sunbathing in the morning.
However, these skin treatments can also block the benefits of both UVA and UVB. Therefore, the part of the skin that needs sunscreen in the face
While the skin on the hands and feet is allowed direct exposure to the sun.
Use a facial sunscreen with an SPF content of 20 +++, 20 minutes before sunbathing. We recommend that you choose clothes in light colors and wear a hat and glasses to avoid direct sun exposure on the skin that is not recommended.