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What to Do When Baby's Head Bangs

Babies do not have perfect control and coordination. So, accidents such as falling, bumping into something, or falling objects are things that often happen to babies and children under three years of age (toddler). If you hit the baby's head during the accident, you may panic and worry. Relax, usually, head injuries to babies and toddlers can heal on their own and won't cause problems in the long run. So that you are more sure what to do if the baby's head is hit, consider the following steps.

Head impact on infants and toddlers

Most cases of head bumps experienced by babies and toddlers are not serious. These sores usually only form on the scalp or face. However, because the heads of babies and toddlers are still soft and in a developmental stage, even the slightest impact can result in injuries that look serious. Your baby may experience bumps, bruises, or blisters. These sores usually go away within a week.

Meanwhile, if the impact is very hard and serious, your baby may have internal injuries. Internal injuries include a fractured or broken skull, broken blood vessels, or damage to the brain. In some cases, internal injuries, also known as trauma to the head (concussion) can be fatal.

Should be taken to the hospital?

Watch your babies and toddlers after hitting their heads. Normal symptoms after a head hit include:

  • Cry
  • Bumps, bruises, abrasions or open sores appear
  • Drowsiness (due to tired crying or in pain)

Babies and toddlers cannot describe how they feel. So, in addition to normal symptoms, pay attention to the following signs. If your baby shows these signs, you should immediately take him to the emergency department and contact the pediatrician.

  • Loss of consciousness
  • Throw up
  • Difficult to wake up during sleep
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Ringing in ears
  • Bleeding or clear discharge from the nose, ears, or mouth
  • Impaired sight, hearing, and speech
  • Limp, loss of energy, or immobilization (paralysis)
  • Lost balance
  • The pupil of the eye grows
  • Fussy and difficult to calm down (due to the neck or head pain)
  • Seizures
  • There was an open wound badly enough to require stitches

Handling baby head hit at home

If the impact is not too bad, immediately treat the wound or the injured part of the head. Here is a guide to dealing with a baby's head hit that you can follow.

  • Apply an ice cube wrapped to a soft cloth for about 20 minutes. Compress the wound every 3-4 hours.
  • If there is an open wound, clean it with warm water and baby soap. Once clean and dry, apply a special baby ointment to prevent infection. Then cover the wound with a bandage or soft cloth. You should regularly change the bandage while checking if the wound is getting worse.
  • Let the baby rest. However, occasionally check if your baby is still breathing normally and is still responsive. If the baby cannot be awakened, seek emergency help immediately.
  • To reduce pain, you can give paracetamol specifically for babies and children with a reasonable dose. However, you should consult your pediatrician to determine what drugs are safe for consumption.
  • Trust your instincts. If your baby looks strange after being hit, has difficulty eating, and is always fussy, check with your pediatrician.