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Tips to Children's Jealousy of a New Brother

The presence of a younger sibling often triggers feelings of jealousy for his brother. The older siblings will usually have various emotions because they feel the care and affection of their parents is divided. To prevent jealousy of a brother when he has a younger sibling is born, apply the following tips.

There are many forms of jealousy that can be expressed by a brother towards a newborn sister, for example being angry for no apparent reason, asking for everything given to the younger sibling, throwing and breaking things, or even disturbing and hurting the younger sibling.

How to make your kid not jealous of his new brother

This jealousy is actually quite natural, really. However, it doesn't mean that Mother can just stand by and let the Big Brother act like that, huh. It is feared that this feeling of jealousy will make the relationship between the brother and sister and mother become disharmonious and interfere with their social and emotional development.

Tips to Children's Jealousy of a New Brother

To prevent the negative impact of jealousy from older siblings, mothers need to take precautions as early as possible. You can do these methods while your younger siblings are still in the womb.

The following are tips to prevent your siblings from being jealous of their newborns that you can apply:

1. Notify any new family members

To prevent jealousy when your younger sibling is born, the first way you can do is to tell your brother that there will be a new family member at home. Point his hand at Mother's stomach, saying that now there is a younger baby that you can play with.

Also, tell him that he will become a brother. Mother and other family members can also make new calls for her, for example, Big Brother or Brother, to foster maturity and a sense of responsibility as an older child.

If the older sibling is under 2 years of age, usually he still doesn't understand what it means to have a brother. To tell him, you can show a picture book of family members and explain it in simple language or read a storybook about brother and sister relationships.

2. Teach your sister to love her sister

Mother can teach your brother how to love your younger sibling since he is still in the stomach. Invite him to often sing or talk to the baby in the womb, and kiss and rub your belly. Tell him that if a brother must love, care for, and protect his sister.

Also teach your brother how to treat his younger sibling after birth, such as gently rubbing his head, kissing his cheek, or getting a diaper. Tell him that this method will calm his younger brother down.

Give praise every time he behaves well with his younger brother. Say something like, “You are a good brother, honey. Mother is proud of you. " That way, he will feel that the thing he did is right and feel he is valuable.

3. Involving the older sibling in the moment of pregnancy

Involving your brother in the moment of pregnancy can prevent jealousy. Invite the older sibling to participate when the mother checks for pregnancy so that she can see the younger sibling's face from the time she is in the womb. This can certainly be a fun moment for him.

Mothers can also involve older siblings in preparing for their younger siblings' needs, for example when choosing toys, clothes, or other newborn supplies. In addition, you can also ask him to accompany you while doing pregnancy exercises.

4. Keep doing the routine with the Big Brother as usual

When pregnant or your younger sibling is born, of course, your routine will change and become busier. However, try not to make drastic changes to the routine of Mother and Brother.

Keep doing activities that are usually done with Big Brother, such as teaching him to read or write, watching favorite television shows, reading bedtime stories, or gardening. That way, Big Brother won't feel left out and forgotten.

Preparing for the arrival of a new baby is indeed important. However, forming the character of a brother in the previous child is no less important, Bun. By paying attention to this, children can avoid jealousy and become a good brother to their younger siblings.

Giving attention to two children at the same time does require patience. However, keep in mind, this is not only your job. Make sure other family members also don't forget to pay attention and love to your brother, especially when you are busy with your newborn little one.

If you feel a drastic difference in your attitude towards your brother since his younger sibling, for example having trouble sleeping, refusing to eat, or becoming alone, don't hesitate to ask a psychologist or doctor for advice.