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Wow! This is the benefits of white turmeric for the health of your body

KONTAN.CO.ID – Turmeric is identical to yellow-orange, but there is also white turmeric or known as temu putih. White turmeric also has many health benefits.

What are they? Temu putih (Curcuma zedoaria) is an annual plant with characteristic round leaves and light green color.

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White turmeric rhizome grows short, lots of fiber, pale in color, and has a distinctive smell and bitter taste. Although not as popular as yellow turmeric, temu putih is also widely used as traditional medicine in China or Japan.

The reason is, white turmeric has great potential to be developed into drugs used in the modern medical world.

The content and benefits of white turmeric for health

White turmeric is a well-known herbal plant because it contains chemical compounds called curcuminoids and flavonoids.

However, this white turmeric rhizome also contains essential oils, astringents, sulfur, and a little fat. Other ingredients that have the potential for human health are alkaloids, phenols, saponins, glycosides, steroids, and terpenoids.

Based on these ingredients, the benefits of meeting white for health include:

Relieve symptoms of feeling unwell

Not feeling well is not a medical term, but people recognize it as a collection of symptoms, such as fever, cough, flatulence, vomiting, and the body feels chills.

Based on research, all of these symptoms can be lighter if you consume white meeting. The benefits of this white meeting are also related to its similar properties to expectorants and painkillers.

Gathering white can also be a diuretic, aka accelerate the formation of urine so that the body will remove toxins through urination.

Inhibits the growth of cancer cells

The benefits of this white meeting are obtained from the content of curcuminoids, flavonoids, bisdemothxycurcumin, demothxycurcumin, and ethyl pmethoxycinnamate which are believed to be anticancer substances.

A study reveals these ingredients can prevent several types of cancer, such as ovarian cancer and colon cancer.

Another study revealed that giving a simple extract of temu putih can reduce malignancy of tumor cell growth. However, this claim has only been tested on laboratory rats, so its effectiveness in humans still needs to be studied more deeply.

Inhibits the development of bacteria

Temu putih extract can also inhibit the development of Streptococcus viridans bacteria. These bacteria can cause sepsis and pneumonia in neutropenic people (have very few neutrophils in the blood), resulting in sepsis and meningitis in infants.

Other studies have also revealed the benefits of white turmeric as an antimicrobial for both Gram positive and negative bacteria. These bacteria include Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Bacillus subtilis, and Staphylococcus aureus.

Overcoming allergy symptoms

White turmeric is also believed to treat allergies because it can inhibit the release of beta-hexosaminidase which causes these symptoms to appear.

The benefits of white turmeric are obtained from the curcumin content in it.


White turmeric is also believed to be an antidote to snake venom or other venomous animals. The reason is, the content in the white meeting can damage the neurotoxins and enzymes in snake venom which can paralyze the body if not treated immediately.

How to use white turmeric?

In Indonesia, white turmeric is used as other rhizome plants, namely as an aromatic spice in food. White turmeric can be found in curry spices and is usually used to flavor processed seafood (seafood).

You can buy fresh white turmeric or in powder form. However, its use for medicine should first be consulted with a doctor.

This is because there are not many studies that reveal the side effects of white turmeric, especially when consumed regularly or in excess. (Wisnubrata)

Also Read: Here are herbal remedies that are effective in relieving dry cough

This article was published on Kompas.com with the title “Benefits of Temu Putih, Yellow Turmeric Brother with a Myriad of Benefits”,