Wow! Grape infused water has many benefits for your body's health
KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. Infused water grapes contain many vitamins and minerals that are good for the health of the body. One of the good benefits of grape infused water is that it can increase endurance.
Grapes are a fruit that is rich in nutritious vitamins and minerals. This fruit is rich in antioxidant compounds, one of which is phenol.
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The phenol content per 100 grams of red wine can reach 14.9 grams and 12.2 grams in green grapes.
Apart from phenols, there are also several other active compounds in grapes that are beneficial for the body. Some of these compounds, including:
- Polyphenols (resveratrol and anthocyanins)
- Saponins
- Flavonoids (quercetin)
- Carotenoids (lutein, beta-carotene)
Launching the Fruit Benefits Book (2018) by Dayat Suryana, the antioxidant content in grapes can be useful for warding off free radicals that can trigger cancer.
Not only that, but grapes are also proven to contain many vitamins and minerals that are beneficial for health. Here are some of the vitamins and minerals in grapes:
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin E
- Vitamin K
- Vitamin B6
- Folate
- Riboflavin
- Thiamin
- Choline
- Betaine
- Calcium
- Iron
- Magnesium
- Potassium
- Sodium
- Copper
- Manganese
- Selenium
- Flour
- Phosphor
Recipe infused water Grape
In the Favorite Variety Book of Effective Infused Water (2014) compiled by nutritionists Desty Ervira Puspaningtyas, S.Gz and Yunita Indah Prasetyaningrum, S.Gz, the wine offered can be consumed by making infused water.
As a result, the infused water made from this fruit becomes a drink source of antioxidants that can increase the body’s defense system or immunity.
This is inseparable from the results of several researchers who said that infused water contains at least 20% of the same vitamins as squeezed fruit.
Due to the nutritional content found in grapes, grape infused water is also considered to have several health benefits, as follows:
- Vitamin C to increase endurance and help wound healing
- Vitamin B6 is good for brain health Magnesium can facilitate bowel movements (BAB)
- Manganese helps digest fats and stabilizes blood sugar levels
- Resveratrol can prevent heart disease, joint and bone disease, and inflammation in blood vessels, prevent premature aging, and improve skin health.
- Phenol and resveratrol compounds prevent the formation of cancer cells and scavenge free radicals
- Anthocyanins protect the stomach against damage Saponins can lower blood sugar levels and inhibit cholesterol absorption
- Quercetin as an anti-microbial (anti-infection), inhibitor the oxidation of bad fats, prevents oxidation in body cells, and improves blood vessel function.
There are two main ingredients needed to make wine infused water:
- 100 grams of grapes
- 500 ml of boiled water
After the ingredients are prepared, follow the manufacturing steps, as follows:
Wash the wine. Then divide it in half. Put 100 grams of wine and 500 ml of boiled water into a closed glass or jar.
Let stand for 4-5 hours in the refrigerator. Serve. As a tip, choose grapes that are completely ripe when infused water will be made.
In addition, use the pulp of the grapes and their skins as an ingredient for making wine infused water. (Irawan Sapto Adhi)
Also Read: Here are the benefits of lemon and lime infused water for your health
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