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Various benefits of red betel, can be used to treat minor burns

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. Red betel leaf is a natural ingredient that is known to be effective in treating nosebleeds. However, the benefits of red betel are not only that. The large number of nutrients in red betel makes this natural ingredient available to treat other health problems.

Minor Burns

Quoting from Drhealthbenefits.com, red betel can treat minor burns because of the presence of antioxidants, vitamin C, and alkaloids. These ingredients can overcome inflammation that occurs when the skin burns.

The way you need to do is quite easy. First, mash three to five red betel leaves then mix with 2 teaspoons of honey. Use the mixture on burns twice a day.

Red eye

Betel leaf can also be used to treat red eyes due to irritation. This ability comes from alkaloids which act as antibacterial and anti-inflammatory. First, you need to prepare 20 red betel leaves in advance.

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Boil the prepared red betel leaves to a boil then strain. After that, dip the cloth in the filtered red betel leaf cooking water. Use the cloth as an eye compress. You can also use boiled water directly to wash your eyes for 10 minutes.

Bleeding Gums

Apart from treating nosebleeds, the benefits of red betel can also be used to treat bleeding gums. Some of the ingredients in red betel will solve this problem. Starting from saponins, calcium, tannins, and potassium.

First, prepare 10 pieces of red betel leaf then boil the leaves. After boiling, strain the water and let it cool for a while. Use the boiled water to rinse your mouth so that the bleeding gums can heal. For maximum results, do this method three times a day.

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Cough medicine

One of the benefits of red betel is to treat the cough you are experiencing.

Drhealthbenefits.com says that red betel leaf can also be used as a cough medicine. The trick, boil five red betel leaves in 300 ml of water until it boils. Drink boiled water twice a day. Vitamin B, alkaloids, and vitamin C will relieve your cough.

Bad Mouth Odor

Did you know that red betel leaves can also be used to treat bad breath? Capitol and eugenol compounds are able to prevent bad breath. You only need to gargle with boiled red betel leaf water in the morning and evening.

Editor: Belladina Biananda