Utilization of Muscle Style in Everyday Life
KOMPAS.com – We have learned about the understanding of muscle force and its effect on objects.
But do you know what are the benefits of muscle style that we do in everyday life? To find out the answer, let’s look at the explanation below!
The most visible benefit of muscle style is the production of movement. Muscle force allows our body to move roughly or subtly.
Reporting from Medical News Today, Gross movements are large movements (walking, running, and exercising) while subtle movements are smaller movements (writing, speaking, and expressing faces).
Not only is movement visible, but invisible movement is also the result of involuntary muscle forces.
For example, the heart rate for blood circulation, movement of the diaphragm muscles for breathing, and smooth muscle that drives the digestive system.
Also read: Muscle Style and Its Effects

(a) Good posture and (b) bad posture
Reporting from Lumen Learning, the back muscles provide posture to the body, provide movement, and maintain posture when moving. Good posture puts less strain on the muscles as in the picture.
However, the slouched posture, even though it feels comfortable, actually weighs heavily on the muscles and has a bad effect on the body.
- Doing daily activities
With the muscle force, we can carry out daily activities. For example lifting, moving, or changing the shape of objects, moving, and moving places. All daily activities require different muscle styles.

Jaw muscles
Chewing and talking also use the muscle forces that are in the jaw. Without these muscles we might not be able to speak or chew.
Just seeing requires muscle force, to move the eye up, down, and also to the side. Urinating and defecating, also giving birth also requires muscle force.
Exercise is a form of body exercise to strengthen and also maintain a healthy body. Exercise can strengthen the muscles of the body.
Reporting from HealthlineStrong back, abdominal, and pelvic muscles form a stable body and a strong core.