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This is the benefit of pineapple for your health

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. Pineapple fruit has many benefits for the health of your body. However, those of you who have lambug acid disease should not eat too much pineapple.

What comes to your mind when you hear the mention of pineapples?

Pineapple fruit is not just any fruit. Just so you know, pineapple contains many vitamins that are good for the body.

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Not only that, pineapple fruit is also useful for keeping your body healthy during the corona virus outbreak. To get the benefits, you can eat pineapple regularly.

Pineapple fruit is quite easy to find in markets or modern retail stores. The price of pineapple is not too expensive.

Here are the benefits of pineapple for your body’s health.

1. Smooth Digestion

Pineapple contains bromelain, an enzyme that helps break down proteins in the digestive tract. Thus, protein is more easily absorbed by the body and facilitates digestion.

Apart from that, bromelain also helps relieve upset stomach, inflammation and swelling of the nose.

2. Against Disease

Pineapple fruit is loaded with antioxidants such as flavonoids. As a result, consuming pineapple is beneficial to help reduce the risk of developing various types of diseases, even something fatal like cancer.

Bromelain also played a role in this. Research shows that cancers in the skin, stomach system, and intestines can stop growing.

3. Increase Immunity

Did you know that one cup of pineapple provides daily vitamin C needs? Together with bromelain, vitamin C helps boost overall immunity, while suppressing any inflammation in the process.

4. Helps Lose Weight

For those of you who want to lose some weight, pineapple can help. Pineapple is a fruit that contains low calories.

This means that pineapple is a great alternative to meet the desire to eat sweet foods for those of you who are on a diet.

Note for those of you who suffer from stomach acid, you should not overdo it for eating pineapple. This is because pineapple is one of the triggers for increased stomach acid.

Another option, you can consult a doctor first if you want to eat pineapple regularly. (Bestari Kumala Dewi)

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This article has been published on Kompas.com with the title “Know the 4 Benefits of Pineapple for Health”,