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7 benefits of hugging a child, one of which is increasing the body's immune system

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. Hugging can bring many benefits, especially if done regularly for at least 20 seconds a day. Reporting from parentingforbrain.com, hugging can make children smarter, healthier, happier, and closer to you. Not only that, diligently cuddling with children can also increase the body’s immune system, you know.

Children Become Smarter

Human touch is very important for a child’s brain development. Children need a lot of stimulation in the five senses in order to develop properly. Hugging is one of the touches needed for a child’s brain to develop and the body to be healthier.

Still from the same page, parentingforbrain.com mentioned that children who were hugged regularly got better test results. The research is published in Genetic Psychology Monographs.

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Increase the Immune System

One of the benefits that can be obtained from hugging is that the hormone oxytocin will be produced more. When the oxytocin hormone increases, other growth hormones, such as insulin, also increase.

The body’s immune system will also be better if the hormone oxytocin increases. This is because the hormone oxytocin lowers thyroid hormones and reduces inflammation. That way, the wound can heal faster.

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Maintain Mental Health

Not only does it increase the body’s immune system, cuddling can also maintain children’s mental health. Children who have frequent tantrums can be relieved by being given a hug. This is still related to the increasing amount of the hormone oxytocin when the child is hugged. Parentingforbrain.com explains that the hormone oxytocin is able to calm and relieve stress that children have.

Those are 3 benefits children can get from hugging. However, you also shouldn’t force your child to hug. Let the kids refuse to cuddle when they don’t feel like it. This will allow children to learn how to deal with situations that make them uncomfortable.

Editor: Belladina Biananda