These are the health benefits of aloe vera
KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. There are many health benefits of aloe vera. This is evidenced by the use of aloe vera in a wide variety of products, from external treatments to internal treatments. Usually, aloe vera is produced in gel form.
However, there are many other products that produce aloe vera in a variety of forms, such as shampoo. This is because aloe vera has very useful ingredients, such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and so on.
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Antioxidant and Antibacterial
The first benefit of the aloe vera plant is that it is used as an antioxidant and antibacterial. This is explained in Antioxidants are very beneficial for body health. One type of antioxidant contained in aloe vera is polyphenols.
Polypenols and other ingredients in aloe vera function to prevent bacterial growth. That way, your body will not get infected easily. Apart from being antioxidant and antibacterial, aloe vera also has antiviral and antiseptic properties. This content is very important for treating wounds and other skin problems.
Maintain Oral Health
The benefits of aloe vera leaves can then be found to maintain oral health. Reporting from, there is a study comparing the use of aloe vera juice and a mouthwash based on chlorhexidine to maintain oral health.
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Editor: Belladina Biananda