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This is the benefit of mint leaves for the beauty of your skin and hair

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. Mint leaves have a distinctive taste and aroma. In fact, mint leaves are useful for treating skin and hair beauty.

Mint leaves are quite popular in Indonesia. Mint leaves have a distinctive aroma and taste. Both of these things make kerab mint leaves used as an additional ingredient in the drink menu.

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Not only that, mint leaves are tiny and green in color. This makes mint leaves widely used as a food and beverage decoration.

However, you need to know that mint leaves have benefits for caring for skin and body beauty.

Here are the benefits of mint leaves for the beauty of your skin and hair.

1. Anti-inflammatory

Mosquito bites leave red, itchy stains. To fix this, you can rub the skin using mint leaves to prevent irritation and soften the surface of the skin, as well as relieve annoying itching.

2. Eliminate head lice

Lice hair is a “big sin” for modern adult women, apart from being a shame, it can also damage the scalp and cause odor.

Use mint oil to get rid of lice “lodged” in your hair. The trick, rub mint oil on the scalp while massaging, do this treatment regularly, 3-4 times a week.

3. Brighten acne scars

One of the things that makes women feel inferior is the spread of acne scars on the face. To remove and restore bright color to facial skin, you can use mint leaf juice.

Mix oats with mint juice, then apply it on your face as a mask. When done regularly, it can disguise acne scars and get rid of dead cells that clog pores.

4. Remove blackheads

The presence of blackheads on the face is certainly very disturbing appearance. Use mint leaves to remove it.

The method is fairly easy, you have to put the mint leaves that have been mashed all over the blackheads, then let it sit for 15 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

5. Treating acne

Tried various drugs, but the pimples didn’t go away. Mix mint juice with rose water and use it as a mask on the face. Let stand for 20 minutes and rinse thoroughly. (Christina Andhika Setyanti)

Also Read: Benefits of bitter melon for health that you must know

This article was published on Kompas.com with the title “Removing Acne Scars with Mint Leaves”