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These are the good benefits of spicy food for health

KONTAN.CO.ID – Spicy food is one of the favorite menus of some people. In fact, spicy food provides good benefits for health.

For most Indonesians, it is incomplete to eat without chili sauce. The spicy sensation that is produced from the chili sauce can indeed increase taste and appetite.

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However, did you know that spicy food is actually good for increasing endurance?

According to nutritionists from Penn State University, chilies contain various vitamins, including vitamin C. Vitamin C contains bioflavonoids which are needed by the body to produce white blood cells.

The production of white blood cells is very important to increase the body’s resistance to various diseases. A nutritionist from the University of Cambridge, Nita Forouhi, said that the capsaicin content that gives chilies a spicy taste also has anti-inflammatory properties.

Chili is also rich in beta-carotene, which can turn into vitamin A in the blood. According to experts, vitamin A is very important to protect the body from microbial attack.

Eating foods rich in vitamin A can also increase your body’s resistance to infection. Launching the BBC page, research published in the Birtish Medical Journal also proves, a diet rich in spices, including chilies, is very beneficial for health.

In the study, researchers found that people who ate spicy food twice a week had a 10 percent lower risk of premature death.

Researchers also recommend people to eat more spicy food to improve health and reduce the risk of premature death.

Another benefit of chili

Apart from boosting immunity and reducing the risk of premature death, chilies have a variety of health benefits. Launching the Penn Medicine page, here are three health benefits of consuming chilies:

Maintain heart health

Eating chilies can lower bad cholesterol levels which can increase the risk of heart disease. Research has also shown that consumption of chilies can reduce the death rate from heart disease and stroke by up to 13 percent.

Lose weight

The capsaicin content in chilies can increase metabolism which helps us burn more calories. This is what makes consumption of chilies one way to lose weight.

Lowering inflammation in the intestine

Capsaicin in the digestive tract will produce a substance called anandamide. These substances have been shown to reduce the level of inflammation in the intestines. Of course, this is very beneficial for our digestive function. (Ariska Puspita Anggraini)

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This article has been published on Kompas.com with the title “Various Unexpected Benefits of Spicy Food”, https://health.kompas.com/read/2020/03/21/200000968/berbagai-benefits-tak-terduga-makanan-pedas ? page = all # page2.