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These benefits of basil leaves as herbal medicine are not widely known

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. Basil leaves are widely used as salad or a mixture of food menus. In fact, basil leaves are useful as herbal medicine to kill disease.

Culinary enthusiasts and cooking hobbies are definitely familiar with basil leaves. Yes, basil leaves are widely used as a salad for food menus or as a mixture of cooking ingredients.

Also Read: Basil infused water is effective in relieving your cough

Of all the parts, the thick basil leaves are used as a mixture for the diet.

For those of you who are not familiar, basil leaves grow a lot in gardens, roadsides, and yards.

Basil leaves are single leaves green to brownish green. Basil leaves are oval in shape with a pointed tip.

Launching from a book entitled 120 Powerful Fruit & Vegetable Juices to Overcome 12 Diseases by Wied Harry Apriadji, basil leaves contain vitamin C, calcium, beta-carotene, phosphorus, iron, apigenin, eugenol, amino acid arginine, and tryptophan.

This content makes kerab basil leaves used as herbal medicine to eradicate a number of diseases.

Benefits of basil leaves as herbal medicine

Apart from containing vitamins and antioxidants, basil leaves are anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and analgesic.

Basil leaves are quite easy to find in traditional markets to modern markets. The price of basil leaves is relatively cheap.

Here are the benefits of basil leaves as an herbal remedy that can eradicate a number of diseases.

1. Colds and flatulence

Launch from Kompas.com, based on research from the Center for New Crops and Plant Products, Perdue University, United States states, basil leaves are effective in relieving colds.

In addition, basil leaves are also believed to be able to relieve flatulence and ulcers.

Just so you know, in the country basil leaves are widely used as herbal medicine for flatulence, colds, and fever in toddlers.

To feel the benefits is quite easy, you just need to squeeze basil leaves, shallots, and coconut oil. After that, you apply the herbal concoction on the stomach, chest and back.

2. Cough and flu medicine

Quoting from a book entitled 56 Magical Foods and Their Benefits for Health and Beauty, by Yusuf CK Arianto, basil leaves are expectorant so they can treat coughs and flu.

In addition, basil is able to thin mucus for bronchitis and asthma.

To feel the benefits, all you have to do is boil the basil and cloves and add a little salt. You drink the water of the basil leaves regularly.

3. Relieves headaches

Headaches can strike at any time. If you don’t want to take chemical medicine, you can boil basil leaves.

You drink basil leaf water regularly until the headache is gone.

4. Dengue fever

Basil leaves are believed to reduce fever and dengue fever. To feel the benefits you just have to mash the basil and sandalwood leaves until smooth.

You stick the mash of basil leaves on the forehead. Alternatively, you can boil basil leaves and cardamom in half a liter of water. You boil it until it boils, then divide it in half.

You drink the boiled water of basil leaves twice a day.

5. Premature ejaculation

Basil leaves contain non-nutritive bioactives. The content of 8 cineol in basil leaves is believed to be able to overcome premature ejaculation in men.

Not only that, the arginine content in basil leaves can strengthen sperm vitality. And the content of apigenin, phenkhona and eugenol, can improve the quality of penile erection.

6. Kidney stones

You have kidney stones? Basil leaves can be a solution for those of you who are reluctant to take chemical drugs.

You blend the basil leaves and add honey. You drink regularly.

7. Relieve heart disease

Basil leaves contain eugenol, which has cholesterol and blood crazy properties. These antioxidants can relieve heart disease.

8. Overcoming stress

In a study stated basil leaves contain adaptogens or anti-stress agents.

To get the benefits you can boil 12 wide leaves of basil. Once cooked you can add honey. The aroma and taste of basil leaves can relieve your stress.

9. Blood sugar

You should never take high blood sugar levels lightly. Because, this can cause complications of disease and threaten life if not treated immediately.

Basil leaves contain arginine which is believed to be effective at lowering blood sugar levels.

Apart from being fresh, basil leaves are rich in benefits for the health of your body. It’s a good idea to consult a doctor before consuming basil leaves as herbal medicine.

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