These are the benefits of cucumber for body health when consumed regularly
KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. Cucumber is rich in minerals and vitamins. These are the benefits of cucumber for health when consumed regularly.
Generally, cucumbers are processed into pickles and used as a complement to the diet. However, not a few people who process cucumbers into drinks such as sorbet or juice.
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Not surprisingly, cucumbers contain lots of fresh water when used as a drink. Just so you know, cucumbers contain about 95% water content which helps overcome dehydration.
In addition, cucumbers are also rich in vitamins that are beneficial to the body. cucumber contains vitamin C which is useful for increasing endurance.
Not only enhancing the body’s immunity, cucumber has many good health benefits. Are you curious?
Here are the benefits of cucumber for your body’s health.
1. Healthy skin and hair
Cucumber is good for skin and hair health. For example, it is used to help reduce skin irritation from sunburn.
You can rub the cucumber peel into the irritated skin. Cucumber also contains sulfur and silicon for healthy hair growth.
In addition, cucumber slices are also useful in relieving puffiness under the eyes.
2. Control blood sugar levels
One of the best benefits of eating cucumber is that it helps diabetes patients control blood sugar levels. Drinking cucumber juice can increase a special hormone required by the cells of the pancreas to produce insulin.
3. Fight Cancer
Cucumbers contain three lignans, namely, pinoresinol, lariciresinol and secoisolariciresinol, which help reduce the risk of various types of cancer, such as ovarian cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, and uterine cancer.
4. Reducing headaches and hangovers
Chewing a few cucumber slices before bed can help reduce headaches and hangovers when you wake up in the morning. This is because cucumbers contain B vitamins, sugar and electrolytes to replenish several important nutrients for the body.
5. Lowering cholesterol
A number of researchers have found that cucumbers contain “sterols”, which are compounds that help reduce your cholesterol levels.
6. Controlling blood pressure
Cucumber contains magnesium, potassium and fiber which can help control your blood pressure. By consuming cucumber, keep your blood pressure neither too high nor too low.
7. Helps weight loss
Cucumber is a low calorie food so it is useful to lose excess weight or at least not make you gain weight. Cucumber helps you reach your ideal body weight.
8. Relieves joint pain and gout
Cucumber is a source of silica which is known to strengthen joint tissue. Cucumber juice contains calcium, folate, potassium, magnesium, and vitamins A, C, D, B1 and B6. Eating cucumber every day can reduce joint pain, gout, and reduce uric acid levels. (Dian Maharani)
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This article was published on with the title “8 Unexpected Benefits of Cucumber Consumption”,