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Benefits of Yoga for Autistic Children

Rachel Greb, owner of YogaSprouts (yogasprouts.com) in America, reveals some of the benefits of yoga for children with autism, including:

1. Yoga develops motor skills.
Children with autism often experience delays in motor development, which can be increased, as yoga tones muscles, improves balance and stability, and develops body awareness and coordination.

2. Yoga increases self-confidence and social skills.

Poor coordination often leads to low self-esteem. They are teased for not moving or behaving like other children, or for not excelling in sports and outdoor activities.

By learning self-control and calming techniques through yoga, their self-confidence will increase.

3. Yoga provides safe stimulation.

Children with autism often suffer from a very sensitive nervous system and are easily aroused by bright lights, new textures, loud sounds, strong tastes and smells.

Dim lighting, soft music, soft mats, and the ‘deep’ sound of yoga can create an entertaining environment where they feel protected from aggressive stimuli and thus feel calm.

4. Yoga provides coping techniques for children and the elderly.
Can teach breathing techniques so that children can calm down, talk in class through visualization guides so that children can use them when anxious, or share flashcard pose today with parents for home use. Parents and siblings are helped.