These are the benefits and side effects of kaffir lime leaves for health
KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. Kaffir lime leaves are not only useful as a spice in the kitchen. Here are the benefits and side effects of kaffir lime leaves for health.
Kaffir lime leaves are often used as a flavoring for various dishes. But do you know that the benefits of kaffir lime leaves for health are actually abundant?
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There have been several studies that prove the benefits of kaffir lime leaves, so it is not uncommon for this ingredient to be used as a natural solution for various diseases. In order not to get more curious, here is the explanation.
1. Kills disease-causing bacteria
In a laboratory study, essential oil obtained from kaffir lime leaves was shown to have antibacterial activity against E. Coli and S. aureus bacteria. E. Coli bacteria are the main cause of frequent diarrhea.
These bacteria can also cause urinary tract infections and bacterial pneumonia. Meanwhile, S. aureus is a bacteria that causes skin ulcers, abscesses, and cellulitis.
These bacteria can also cause some more severe infections such as pneumonia, bloodstream infections, and endocarditis.
2. Maintain gum health
Kaffir lime leaf extract has been used as a mixture of several organic toothpastes. This is not without reason. Because, kaffir lime leaf extract is considered to be able to nourish the oral cavity.
These leaves are believed to reduce the buildup of bacteria in the oral cavity which can trigger various gum and tooth problems.
3. Relieves inflammation
The next benefit of kaffir lime leaves is to help relieve inflammation in the joints due to rheumatism and gout. You can apply lime leaf extract on the affected area to relieve it.
But keep in mind that this method has not been scientifically proven. So, we still need to be careful when trying it.
4. Healthy hair
Not many people know that kaffir lime leaves are also considered good for maintaining healthy hair. This one benefit has not been scientifically proven.
But traditionally, applying juice and kaffir lime leaves to hair is thought to strengthen hair, prevent dandruff, and increase shine.
5. Repel mosquitoes
Repelling mosquitoes and insects is one of the benefits of kaffir lime leaves that are good for health. In a trial conducted using kaffir lime leaf extract, the solution was proven to be toxic or toxic to mosquitoes or insects.
As is well known, mosquitoes can be a source of various dangerous diseases, from dengue fever, malaria, to chikungunya. So that its existence must be limited in the environment around us.
6. Prevents aging of the skin
Kaffir lime leaf extract is considered to help prevent skin aging. This benefit is obtained from its high antioxidant content. Antioxidants can help ward off exposure to excess free radicals that will damage cells in the skin.
When the cells in the skin are damaged, signs of aging such as wrinkles and fine lines will appear. It should be noted that the above studies have not been conducted clinically or directly in humans.
Therefore, we need to be careful in using it. The use of kaffir lime leaves is not recommended to be the only way to treat disease.
Consult the condition or complaint of further health problems with your doctor to get the right primary treatment.
Kaffir lime leaves can cause allergies
Even though kaffir lime leaves are natural ingredients, we still need to pay attention to the safety of their use.
If you want to use kaffir lime leaf extract, make sure not to consume it directly, because it can trigger side effects, such as:
We also need to pay attention to the signs of allergies that may appear when applying it to the skin surface. Some of the symptoms of an allergy include:
- Itchy rash
- Rashes and rashes on the skin
- Swelling in the face, oral cavity, or other parts
- Sneezing or runny nose
Seek immediate medical attention if an allergic reaction causes shortness of breath and swelling in the throat area. If left untreated, a severe allergic reaction can progress to anaphylactic shock and be life threatening.
To prevent a dangerous allergic reaction, before applying kaffir lime leaves to the skin, apply a small amount on the skin of the hands and wait 15-20 minutes. If no reaction appears, then you probably don’t have an allergy to the substance. (Wisnubrata)
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This article was published on with the title “Kaffir lime leaves, its benefits as fragrant as it is”