– As is well known, tomatoes are one type of fruit that is often consumed by the public. Usually, tomatoes are cut and added to various types of dishes, from cooking soup to stir-frying.
Not only that, tomatoes are also often processed into juice drinks or can be consumed directly as fresh vegetables. Its slightly sour taste and abundant water content is indeed effective in refreshing the throat.
Apart from its refreshing taste, tomatoes also have various kinds of ingredients that are beneficial to the body. Starting from vitamin B1, vitamin C, vitamin A, and several other nutrients such as carbohydrates, fiber, potassium, phosphorus, iron, and protein. Some of these good nutrients in tomatoes can provide separate health benefits, both overcoming and preventing various risks of disease.
Besides being useful for health, tomatoes also provide several benefits for facial skin health. Some ingredients in tomatoes are proven to be able to treat various skin problems, such as overcoming acne and reddish acne scars to black spots. Not only that, tomatoes also have natural ingredients that are useful for shrinking pores to reduce excess oil on the face.
Some of these things you can get by using frozen tomatoes. In this case, usually mashed tomatoes are then put into ice molds and frozen in the refrigerator. Then tomatoes that have become ice can be applied to the face to treat various skin problems experienced.
For those who are curious, can listen to some of the benefits of frozen tomatoes for the face and how to process them. Reporting from several sources, here we summarize some of the benefits of frozen tomatoes for the face and how to make them:
Helps Overcome Acne
The first benefit of frozen tomatoes for the face is that they can help treat acne. It is known that tomatoes are able to control oil production on the face effectively.
This of course can prevent inflammation that causes acne. Not only that, some tomato content is also considered effective for reducing acne.
Shrink Pores
The benefits of frozen tomatoes for the next face are that they can shrink pores. In this case, tomatoes have astringent benefits that can help shrink pores.
Not only that, using frozen tomatoes can also help balance oil secretion, clear clogged pores and tighten skin.
Fade Black Spots
The benefits of frozen tomatoes for the face are no less important, namely that they can fade black spots. Tomatoes are known to have natural ingredients that can lighten the face and dark spots.

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By using tomato ice, it can also clean dead skin cells that have accumulated and make facial skin brighter and less dull.
Reduces Oily Face
The benefits of frozen tomatoes for the face can also reduce excessive oil production. It is known that the natural ingredients in tomatoes can help reduce excess facial oil production effectively.
In addition, rubbing tomato ice on the face can also tighten pores and cleanse the face well.
Brightening Face
Another benefit of frozen tomatoes for the face is that they can provide a brightening effect. The content of vitamins A and C in tomatoes works to lighten dirty and dull skin.

Using tomato ice on the face also helps skin feel firmer and healthier. This can be one of the recommendations for healthy, effective, and affordable skin care.
Overcoming Burned Skin
The last benefits of frozen tomatoes for the face are that they can treat and relieve sunburn. As is well known, frequent outdoor activities are certainly vulnerable to exposure to stinging sunlight. If this happens for a long time, it will definitely cause the skin to burn and feel hot.
However, you can treat this condition by rubbing tomato ice on your face or the burned area. The natural ingredients in tomatoes can help soothe the skin, and get rid of uneven skin discoloration caused by sun exposure.
How to make frozen tomatoes
After knowing some of the benefits of frozen tomatoes for the face, next we need to know some ways that can be done to make frozen tomatoes easily.

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You can mix in several other additional ingredients such as cucumber, lemon, or honey. Here are some ways you can practice.
1. Tomato and Lemon Ice
Material :
How to make :
- Mix tomato juice and lemon juice in a ratio of 3: 1 then mix well.
- Pour the tomato and lemon juice mixture into ice cube trays then store in the freezer for 3-4 hours.
- Massage your face with ice cubes in a gentle circular motion for 2 – 3 minutes then let it dry.
- After dry, rinse with water until clean.
2. Tomato and Cucumber Ice
Material :
How to make :
- Mix tomato and cucumber juice in a 2: 1 ratio then mix well.
- Pour the mixture into ice cube trays and store in the freezer for 3-4 hours.
- Massage your face using tomato and cucumber ice in a gentle circular motion and let it dry.
- After that, rinse with water until clean.
3. Tomato Ice and Honey
Material :
How to make :
- Mix tomato juice and honey in a ratio of 3: 1 then mix well.
- Pour the tomato and lemon juice mixture into ice cube trays then store in the freezer for 3-4 hours.
- Massage your face with ice cubes in a circular motion and gently let it dry.
- After dry, rinse with water until clean.