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The right combination of watching movies while eating popcorn, know the benefits

TRIBUNNEWS.COM – For some people, being alone during a pandemic is a precious moment. So much time with family.

So, one of the alternatives to relaxing with your family apart from cooking, playing games and gardening is watching movies through streaming services.

Don’t forget to complement your leisure time with snacks.

Watching movies and snacking is a mixture that can’t be separated. The two activities support each other to provide pleasure.

When watching, the sense of sight is spoiled. While snacks indulge the tongue or sense of taste.

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A common snack while watching a movie is popcorn.

Due to its nutritional content, popcorn is believed to contain many health benefits.

Launching various sources, as quoted kompas.com, here are the various health benefits of popcorn:

1. Prevent cancer

Launching the Health Line, popcorn includes foods that contain high polyphenols.