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The Directorate General of Taxes explained the benefits of pursuing taxes abroad

ILLUSTRATION. Payment of taxes at the South Jakarta Tax Office.

Reporter: Yusuf Imam Santoso | Editor: Noverius Laoli

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. The Directorate General (Ditjen) of Taxes, Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) immediately pursues foreign taxpayers to find data and information. So that it can match the tax compliance of the taxpayer.

This regulation is contained in the Director General of Taxes Regulation No.PER-02 / PJ / 2020 concerning Procedures for Implementing Abroad Tax Examination in the Context of Information Data Exchange Based on International Agreements. This policy was stipulated by the Director General (Dirjen) of Taxes Suryo Utomo on January 27, 2020 in Jakarta.

The stipulation date is also the date the rule becomes effective.

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Director of International Taxation Director General of Taxes of the Ministry of Finance John Hutagaol said, tax examination abroad is an alternative to conventional procedures or written procedures so that data and information collection can be done more quickly and the results are more effective and efficient.

John explained, with this regulation, there are three benefits of implementation tax examination abroad. FirstInformation can be obtained in a clear and detailed manner through an understanding of the business, transaction, or other relationship between taxpayers and their partners in the partner country / jurisdiction through explanations directly obtained from the tax authorities of the country / jurisdiction.

Second, allows the tax authorities to cooperate on tax issues related to taxpayers / groups so that duplication of audit activities can be minimized / avoided, taxpayer costs can be reduced.

Thus, time can be saved which in turn will reduce the burden on taxpayers and make it possible comprehensive review for taxpayer activities. Thirdinformation can be obtained properly, more quickly, and / or on time.

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John added, if tax examination abroad implemented, the authorized officials in Indonesia carry out activities to obtain information in partner countries through the presence of representatives of the Directorate General of Taxes.

This is in the context of searching and / or gathering information carried out by the tax authorities of the partner country / jurisdiction, or vice versa, based on the agreement of both parties.

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