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The benefits of kencur are useful for the health of your body

KONTAN.CO.ID – The benefits of kencur are useful for the health of the body when you consume it regularly. You see, the various kinds of content in it, such as starch, zinc and other types of minerals.

Kencur is one of the natural ingredients with a strong and pungent taste. Usually, kencur is used in various types of dishes. However, this natural ingredient can also be used as traditional medicine.

Quoting from Health Benefits, kencur is carminative. This means that these natural ingredients can prevent gas formation in the body so that appetite increases. In addition, there are many other benefits of kencur as follows:

Increase energy

Another benefit of kencur is that it can be used to increase energy. Besides increasing energy, kencur can also increase your alertness.

The trick, mix 2 cm long kencur with a glass of water then boil the mixture. Once cooked, drink kencur boiled water before going to bed.

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Lowers cholesterol

Cholesterol is good for the body. However, when the amount is excessive, it can cause health problems.

There are many ways to lower your cholesterol. One of them is by using kencur.

Kencur can increase the production of bile acids. This means that the body’s ability to absorb nutrients is better.

In addition, bile acids are also useful for reducing the amount of cholesterol and toxic substances in the body.

Rich in antioxidants

If allowed, free radicals can attack the body’s health. Various kinds of diseases can arise as a result of this.

Therefore, it is important for you to increase the body’s immune system. One of them is by consuming kencur regularly.

Also Read: These are the benefits of kencur for your body’s health

Relieves cough

One of the benefits of kencur is to relieve the cough you are experiencing.

Are you having a cough? If so, you can choose kencur as a cough symptom reliever.

Health Benefits recommend, to mix grated kencur with lime juice and honey. Drink the mixture three times a day until the cough symptoms subside.

Reduces bloating

Another benefit of kencur is that you can use it to reduce bloating. First, you need to boil 3 cm of kencur with water.

After that, drink kencur boiled water every other day. If you don’t want to drink kencur boiled water, you can eat raw kencur mixed with a little salt.

Editor: Belladina Biananda