The benefits of consuming weight gain milk before bed
KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. If you are trying to gain weight, consuming milk could be the right step. The effectiveness of milk for weight gain is even higher when combined with increasing calorie intake.
The protein in weight gain milk can make muscle building easier. However, if it is not accompanied by exercise, consuming weight gain milk before bed will not provide maximum results.
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Benefits of consuming weight gain milk before bed
Launching from Live Strong (, weight gain milk contains casein and whey. One study published in May, 2017 in the International Journal of Exercise Science showed the effects of consuming milk for weight gain before bed.
As a result, weight-gain milk consumed right before bed causes casein to produce more of the desired anabolic response. In addition, protein synthesis is also better than weight gain milk consumed in the morning. That said, casein helps increase muscle mass during sleep.
As said, consuming weight gain is more effective when combined with exercise and additional calorie intake. You can mix weight gain milk with avocado, in addition to nuts, or other sources of calories.
So that the food you eat does not become fat, you need to do weight training. Live Strong explains that weight training can increase muscle strength and size.
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However, gaining weight cannot be done in a short time. It may take one to two months to get the desired results.
Disadvantages of Consuming Weight Gain Milk Before Bed
In addition to providing benefits, weight gain milk consumed before bed can also cause harm. Live Strong says that digestion can be disturbed because milk has a high carbohydrate content.
Harvard Health Publishing says eating foods, especially carbohydrates, that are too close to bedtime can cause problems. Temperature and metabolism will increase, causing overheating and night sweats.
Editor: Belladina Biananda