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Students don't neglect implementing 3M, let's find out the benefits of this step

KONTAN.CO.ID – The Covid-19 pandemic is still ongoing today. The government continues to strive to reduce the number of corona virus transmission, including regularly reminding the public to comply with 3M protocol: wearing masks, washing hands, and maintaining distance.

This protocol can prevent transmission of the corona virus in the community. The Directorate General of Higher Education (Ditjen Dikti) of the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) also invites students to apply 3M discipline.

Through Instagram officially (22/10/2020), the Directorate General of Higher Education shares the benefits of implementing 3M. Here are the benefits that can be obtained if students and the community apply 3M, summarized from Instagram Directorate General of Higher Education:

We often use our hands to do activities. Don’t be surprised, hands become a den of germs and bacteria.

Everyone has at least 3,000 bacteria lodged in the palms of their hands. In fact, on cell phones there are more than 30,000 types of bacteria.

Corona virus transmission can be through touch media. Therefore, people must wash their hands frequently.

Based on the WHO statement, the transmission of the corona virus can be reduced by up to 35% if you are diligent in washing your hands. In order for bacteria to really die, don’t forget to wash your hands for 20-30 seconds using soap.

Also Read: 4 Ways to prevent transmission of the corona virus while traveling

  • Masks protect against Covid-19

Wearing a mask if it is included in the 3M protocol that must be followed. According to international research, using a mask can reduce the risk of transmitting the corona virus by up to 45%.

However, not just any mask can prevent the spread of the corona virus. Face mask scuba and buff not recommended to use.

According to WHO, there are three types of masks that can be used to prevent transmission of Covid-19:

First, N95 masks commonly used by health workers in dealing with Covid-19 patients.

Second, 3 apply surgical masks commonly used by medical personnel which have 3 layers. This type of mask can be purchased at pharmacies and convenience stores.

Third, if you want to be more economical, you can choose cloth masks. This type of mask is made with 3 layers and is not elastic. Cloth masks are washable and come in a variety of beautiful shades.

Also Read: To prevent transmission, masks can reduce the size of the corona virus particles

The last M is maintaining distance, but not maintaining communication. When meeting other people, try to keep our distance from that person at least 2 meters.

The coronavirus can travel within a radius of 1.8 meters, according to the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Therefore, social distancing or keeping some distance must be done. If it doesn’t really matter, it’s better to use a short message service to communicate.

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