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So as a substitute for rice, get to know 7 benefits of sorghum plants for health

Sorghum plants are closely related to rice, corn and wheat. It’s just that, this plant is still rarely known for its shape and benefits.

Reporting from Huffpost, sorghum is a type of cereal plant from Africa that has a shape like a grain. If you pay attention to the shape of this plant will grow tall like corn.

You need to know that this sorghum plant can be processed as a syrup, a substitute for wheat flour until it is cooked like rice. Sorghum can also be made into a daily menu, from fried rice, porridge, soup and plain bread.

When consumed regularly, sorghum has many health benefits, one of which is preventing digestive disorders.

If you want to know the various benefits of sorghum for health, this time Popmama.com has summed it up.

Let’s listen, Ma!

1. Increase energy in the body to become more stable

1. Increase the body's energy to become more stable

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Sorghum is known as wheat which can be used as a substitute for rice, therefore one of its benefits is to increase energy in the body.

Vitamin B3 or niacin in sorghum is rich, so it can provide more energy for the body while consuming it. It should be noted that in one serving of sorghum there are about 28 percent of vitamin B3 which can meet daily needs.

Vitamin B3 or niacin itself is also very important for the development of the nervous system, digestive tract and skin.

2. Maintain optimal bone health

2. Maintain optimal bone health

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Ma, sorghum contains high magnesium which is certainly beneficial for the body. This high magnesium will maintain calcium and help optimal bone health.

As a mineral, magnesium in sorghum can increase bone tissue growth, become a source of energy so that it can accelerate the healing of damaged bones that experience aging.

If sorghum is consumed regularly according to daily needs, bone condition will be maintained and even prevent osteoporosis and arthritis.

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3. Able to lose weight

3. Able to lose weight

Unsplash / Jennifer Burk

The benefits of consuming other sorghum that can be felt are weight loss. Sorghum intake is suitable if you are on a diet program.

You need to know that sorghum contains quite high fiber when compared to other types of grains. This content makes you feel full faster when consuming sorghum, especially when you are hungry.

When you eat sorghum, you feel full longer and help your diet program to be more successful.

4. Useful for improving blood circulation

4. Beneficial to improve blood circulation

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There is a copper content in sorghum, so it can reduce a person’s risk of developing anemia. Copper intake when consuming sorghum will work to increase the absorption of iron into the body and the development of red blood cells becomes stable.

Sorghum that is consumed in a disciplined manner will also improve overall blood circulation in the body to become smoother.

5. Lowering LDL levels and maintaining heart health

5. Lowering LDL levels to maintain heart health

Unsplash / Robina Weermeijer

Sorghum is known to be low in sugar and good for health when consumed regularly.

The high fiber content makes sorghum useful for lowering LDL or cholesterol levels in the body. If consistent, the way the nutritional content of sorghum works can reduce the risk of heart attack.

When cholesterol falls, the possibility of arteriosclerosis, plaque formation and obstructed blood flow can be avoided.

In addition, heart health can be helped by consuming sorghum because it contains vitamin B, vitamin E, magnesium and iron.

6. Able to control diabetes

6. Able to control diabetes

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Someone with diabetes does need to pay attention to the intake of food consumed every day, one of the sugar levels. You need to know that sorghum is low in sugar intake, so it can help your health.

Not only does it have low sugar levels, but sorghum has enzymes that help the body function properly, such as:

  • Helps regulate insulin
  • Regulate glucose levels in the body
  • Inhibits the absorption of starch by the body

Therefore, the intake of sorghum can be consumed by a person with diabetes and reduces the risk of health complications.

7. Helping the body build new tissues and cells more optimally

7. Helping the body build new cell networks more optimally

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Plants that are related to rice do have many benefits for human health, but they are still rarely known.

Sorghum itself is able to help the body build new tissues and cells more optimally. This is because sorghum contains many vitamins, minerals and micro-substances.

If sorghum is consumed as a daily intake, the content in it is useful for building cell tissue and can even fight cancer.

There you have it, the various health benefits of sorghum plants that need to be known. Hopefully this can become new knowledge about sorghum plants, Ma.

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